Happy Friday Everyone Parents and Campers!
THRoW: Now that I have had the chance to conference with everyone regarding their first THRoW this week, we should be set to apply some B. U. S. (Bump Up Strategies) to our THRoW next week. That means, students and parents read together all of the feedback I gave on their first THRoW BEFORE starting their next one so that they can improve where needed. No one wants to make the same mistakes, so read my feedback carefully please. I Your child should know exactly what to add or change to make it better based on our conference meeting. We will be doing a Non Fiction text again next week. Good luck!
CONCERNS: Parents, if anyone has any concerns or questions as to what needs to be done in the THRoW or any other subject area, please do not hesitate to call or email me directly. I am easily available by phone any day during the week from 8:30 am - 9:40 am, 12:00 - 1:00 pm (unless I have duty that week). I understand that in what we do now in grade three is far more advance than when we were in school! So, no shame in asking or clarifying concepts or terminology with me. Email me at
robin_wilson@wecdsb.on.ca and I will likely be able to respond within 24 hours or sooner. I hope this helps!
Recently, our St. Christopher School Social Justice Club started a
We Scare Hunger Canned food drive for The Drouillard Place Food Bank. Students were asked to bring in canned goods and non-perishables to donate,
HOWEVER, every year, the grade 3 classes participate in
Cans For a Cause for the St. Vincent de Paul Society in December where students pack their backpacks full of donations and
yes walk, them down to Devonshire Mall to hand deliver to members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society at the food court. So, if you wish to donate food items, we will start this collection in early December. I didn't want to put any added pressure on students and families to collect these items twice in one month. Both canned drives are for good causes, but I do want students to have a back pack full! More information about this food drive closer to the date in December. So, hold on to your cans and non-perishables for now! Thank you in advance!

That's enough for now! Have a terrific weekend!
Counsellor Wilson
SECRET QUESTION: Give an example of a pronoun that replaces a thing.