Monday 30 October 2017


Thank you parents who sent in food items for our FEAR FACTOR event tomorrow!  A special thank you to Mrs. Kehl who generously donated a $25.00 gift card to our class to cover any additional food items that were still needed!  VERY GENEROUS indeed!  Thank you!  I will be sure to spend the extra money on goodies for our class!

This week:
HALLOWEEN DAY:  Orange and Black day tomorrow.  Also, if parents are wishing to send in treats for the class, it WILL be allowed.  We have 20 students in our class.  Thank you in advance if you decide to send in treats!  Tomorrow afternoon we will be doing our much anticipated FEAR FACTOR walk through.  Students are allowed to bring in any scary masks or props that might help increase the fear factor effects!  I will be sure to take many pictures to post later this week!

Science test - This Friday, there will be our end of the unit Science test on Stability and Structures. (I know, boo right?) I will send home the green Science duo tangs for review on Wednesday and Thursday.  Please remind students to return this duo tang everyday.  We will be doing a whole class review of the unit on Thursday.

THRoW Homeowork:  I am SUPER pleased with the results of our second Non-Fiction THRoW!  Most students read my feed back and took the necessary steps to bump up their marks!  Well done! This week, I will be sending home a fiction story to work on.  Follow my modelled example in the front of the THRoW duo tangs please.


Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What are we using for eyeballs in our Fear Factor?

Thursday 26 October 2017


Thank you to the parents who offered to bring in food items for our Halloween Fear Factor on Tuesday next week!  If you can send it on Monday, that will give me time to take inventory on what I still need to purchase for Tuesday. Thank you again!

Items Needed:
* head of cauliflower
* large pumpkin seeds
* dried apricots
* cooked hot dogs
* cooked spaghetti
* big, round grapes

Send in whatever you can on Monday and I will pick up what is missing.  This is going to a HOOT!  Or, should I say, a HAUNT!

I believe that our school will be celebrating Halloween on Tuesday by allowing students to come dressed in black and orange.  I DID however, tell my students that if they have a scary mask they wanted to bring in during our FEAR FACTOR walk through, they could bring it in.  This will only be allowed in my classroom during the walk through.

Have a terrific weekend, parents and campers!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What food are we using to feel like eyeballs?

Monday 23 October 2017

Happy Monday Parents and Campers!

THIS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27th- PD day, no school.  That would be terrible if you sent your child and he/she had to spend the whole day with little o'l me!

Parents, in your child's blue Math duo tang, I added a handout that explains the strategy for finding a missing number on a number line.  Students MUST use a reliable strategy for labelling missing numbers.  Simply saying that I put a dot just before the 50 for the number 49 because 49 is right before 50 isn't a reliable strategy.  Students have been taught to find the middle number first IF THERE IS ONE.  Once you are left with 4 missing numbers, they know to equally space out 4 notches and then count up from the lower known number to the number they need to find.  It might be four equally spaced out notches counting by 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, or 25s.  Please read the handout and encourage students to use math vocabulary when communicating their thinking.

Funny thing, when I first gathered my students on the carpet at the beginning of this year, I asked them what special things grade 3s get to do in a school year.  I was hoping to get answers like Swim to Survive and EQAO testing, however, the first thing they shouted out in excitement was... HALLOWEEN FEAR FACTOR!!!  I had a good laugh about that, because this is clearly one of the most memorable things I do with students each year that seems to have a lasting impact...
     So, TUESDAY, OCT. 31st, Camp Wilson is hosting a spooky Halloween FEAR FACTOR event!  We are using foods from our 4 Healthy Food Groups to create the effect of horrifying body parts in a "Walk-through-put-your-hand-in-and-feel" activity!  Many classes in our school desperately ask to participate in the walk through, it's super fun!  I only need a certain number of food items, so if you would like to sign up in your child's agenda for a particular food item, please do!  It's ok if there are doubles, sometimes I need to replace the foods throughout the day!

Here are the choices...
  • head of cauliflower (brains) 
  • dried apricots (chopped off ears)
  • cooked spaghetti noodles (guts)
  • large pumpkin seeks (ripped off finger nails)
  • large round grapes (eye balls)
  • cooked hot dogs (chopped off fingers)

These items need to be brought in on MONDAY so I can set up for Tuesday.  Also, this will tell me what items I may need to still buy the day before!
Let the FUN begin!

Counselor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What kind of line does a column make?

Friday 20 October 2017

Happy Friday Everyone Parents and Campers!

THRoW: Now that I have had the chance to conference with everyone regarding their first THRoW this week, we should be set to apply some B. U. S. (Bump Up Strategies) to our THRoW next week.  That means, students and parents read together all of the feedback I gave on their first THRoW BEFORE starting their next one so that they can improve where needed.  No one wants to make the same mistakes, so read my feedback carefully please.  I Your child should know exactly what to add or change to make it better based on our conference meeting.  We will be doing a Non Fiction text again next week.  Good luck!

CONCERNS:  Parents, if anyone has any concerns or questions as to what needs to be done in the THRoW or any other subject area, please do not hesitate to call or email me directly.  I am easily available by phone any day during the week from 8:30 am - 9:40 am, 12:00 - 1:00 pm (unless I have duty that week). I understand that in what we do now in grade three is far more advance than when we were in school!  So, no shame in asking or clarifying concepts or terminology with me.  Email me at and I will likely be able to respond within 24 hours or sooner.  I hope this helps!

Recently, our St. Christopher School Social Justice Club started a We Scare Hunger Canned food drive for The Drouillard Place Food Bank.  Students were asked to bring in canned goods and non-perishables to donate, HOWEVER, every year, the grade 3 classes participate in Cans For a Cause for the St. Vincent de Paul Society in December where students pack their backpacks full of donations and walk, yes walk, them down to Devonshire Mall to hand deliver to members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society at the food court.  So, if you wish to donate food items, we will start this collection in early December.   I didn't want to put any added pressure on students and families to collect these items twice in one month.  Both canned drives are for good causes, but I do want students to have a back pack full!  More information about this food drive closer to the date in December.  So, hold on to your cans and non-perishables for now!  Thank you in advance!

That's enough for now!  Have a terrific weekend!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION: Give an example of a pronoun that replaces a thing.

Tuesday 17 October 2017

     Well, after four days of Muskoka Woods, I'm happy to be back to my Gr. 3 campers!  The experience was amazing and I told my campers that I would happily volunteer to go as a chaperone when they get to be grade 8s because they are an eager, excited group who I KNOW would attempt all of the activities Muskoka offers!

Now, down to I was given the day off to recuperate from this amazing but tiring weekend, however, I just couldn't do that with today being picture day and all!  I look forward to adding this years Camp Wilson to my collection of class pictures posted outside my cabin for all to see!

Also ...

THRoW:  I was hoping to have time to correct and give feedback on all 20 THRoW books from Friday of last week during the day today, but I didn't have the time.  So, I will postpone this week's THRoW until next week.  So, the only thing that is due this week is the WOW test. Please check to see if any other work is sent home to be completed this week. There might be some Math or Science to complete if they didn't finish in class.

Counsellor Wilson

By the way....I'll extend the due date for book orders until tomorrow.  I put in the order at noon. It seems that many forgot to bring in their orders.

SECRET QUESTION:  What is Mrs. Wilson going to dress up as for Halloween for trick or treating?

Thursday 12 October 2017



     Reminder, we will be celebrating our Thanksgiving Mass together as a school tomorrow, Friday October 13th, at 1:00 in our school gym.  All are welcome to attend!

      On another note, I will be away tomorrow and Monday of next week acting as a chaperone for the Gr. 8 Muskoka Woods trip.  I have left plans to continue our regular learning for both days.  Reminder that tomorrow the THRoW books are due back. 

Also, students next week will get their new THRoW books assignment on TUESDAY along with their new WOW words.  I won't be here to collect and correct them until then.  So, just like this week, students will have four days to complete the THRoW.  Please pay close attention to the feedback I give on your child's THRoW work on Tuesday. Read over with your child BEFORE beginning the new THRoW.  It will be another non-fiction text of your child's choosing.

Thank you for your understanding!


Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What does a number increase by when you move down one square in the hundreds chart?

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Hello Parents,

Just learned early this morning in a note from the Occasional Teacher who replaced me yesterday afternoon, that she sent home 2 pages in Math.  This actually wasn't supposed to be sent home, so I apologize for the misunderstanding.  I just finished blogging that any additional homework sent home would be a result of not working efficiently in class and this was not the case.  So, hopefully, no one got 'in trouble' for having additional homework....there wasn't enough time in class and the Math should have been put off until today rather than sent home.  Just work on the THRoW for this week.

Thank you for understanding...

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What program on mytools2go do you go to in order to complete the  assignments?

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Parents, please note...

When I send THRoW home, it should be the only homework for that week.  However, if your child does not use their class time efficiently to complete his/her work, it will be sent home in addition to the THRoW.  Keep in mind, I give plenty of class time to complete Math/Science/Health/Social Studies work, so please feel free to ask your child why extra work is coming home!

Thank you!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  How many Book Nook books should a camper have at all times?

Monday 9 October 2017

Welcome back everyone!  I hope you all enjoyed a relaxing, family-based Thanksgiving weekend!
I trust everyone is all geared up now for fantastic but SHORT week of school!

First of all, I just wanted to comment on how proud I am of all of my campers on doing a terrific job on their first grade 3 Math test! This unit was a big one,  but students pleasantly surprised me with their achievement!  Well done all!  Now, we just need to try to cut down on the stickies I have to use
for corrections in their Math duo tangs and we will be rocking it!  Please return signed tests at your earliest convenience.

MATH:  Our next unit is in Patterning and Algebra with a focus on number patterns as well as an introduction to multiplication of the 0, 1, 2, and 10 timetables.  

Tuesday (holiday Monday) your child will be coming home with a grey duo tang titled THRoW (Take Home Reading or Writing).   This will be the homework for the week.  I assign it on Mondays and it is due on Fridays.  In it will be modelled examples of what is expected for both Fiction and Non Fiction texts.  To start, I will be sending home a Non-Fiction text with each student to use to complete this week's homework.  Please take the time to read my Modelled Non-Fiction example that is in your child's duo tang before starting the homework.  I expect it to be set up exactly as I explained.  Keep the book all week until the THRoW is completed and then return both books (duo tang and text) to me by Friday.  Students who do not hand in their THRoW on or by Friday, will be expected to complete the homework during recess.  I give all week to complete this task, so there really are no excuses.  This will be the homework for the next month or so - Identifying a text a Fiction or Non-Fiction and proving it with the features.  Good luck on their first THRoW!

Ok, I want to make sure everyone gets this new post, so that's all for now!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What kind of connection is it when a reader connects to a part of a text with something in their own lives?

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Good luck tomorrow to our school and grade 3 campers! They will partake in the Cross Country Meet and compete against other schools!

MATH:  Tonight your child has their Math duo tang and Language duo tang for review.  Tomorrow we will begin our Math test and Friday we will have our Language test.  Those away will have to take their test on Thursday.

I am concerned with the number of sticky notes that I have needed to attach to incomplete or incorrect pages.  There are a couple of pages that I would like to ask you to go over with your child tonight that we did today.  It is the multiple choice questions.  I only had today to get to them so some are not yet marked.  Feel free to review and correct with your child.
Problem areas to review:

  • Standard addition and subtraction with regrouping
  • Standard subtraction with zeros ex. 200 - 19
  • Word problems that require reading, understanding and solving a problem


Also, you may have noticed, but we have started our MUSIC program yesterday!   So, your child is coming home with a BACK PACK recorder (purchased by our lovely school - THANK YOU MRS. PRSA!!) which must remain in the back pack at all time when not in use.  That way, I will have it here and readily available for Music class.

That's all for now!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  Which hand (left or right) holds the top of the recorder?

Monday 2 October 2017

Hello Parents,

  Over the weekend, I sent home the Math duo tangs so that students could correct the pages that I had attached sticky notes ..this was done by most, but not all. This puts me and more importantly, your child, behind in Math.  I need you to ask your child to see their Math duo tangs tonight and ensure that ALL stickies are corrected.  I told students that I would be the only one allowed to remove a sticky.  This way, I know that I have seen the corrections.  Thank you for your attention to this.

Math Test:  Math test is scheduled to take place Wednesday and Thursday (for track and field students).  Please practise addition and subtraction questions in worded problems.  Students are expected to know how to SHOW their work.

LANGUAGE QUIZ - Students did a TERRIFIC job on their 2nd language quiz last Friday!  The class average was a 4-!!! I am thrilled with all of my campers! Great Job!

Many students DID NOT write their spelling mistakes out 10 x at the back of their books.  Please parents, when you sign the spelling tests, check to make sure your child has done this before returning the book to school.  Thank  you!

More to come soon!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  How do Hermit Crabs keep their shells on?