Reminder, we will be celebrating our Thanksgiving Mass together as a school tomorrow, Friday October 13th, at 1:00 in our school gym. All are welcome to attend!
On another note, I will be away tomorrow and Monday of next week acting as a chaperone for the Gr. 8 Muskoka Woods trip. I have left plans to continue our regular learning for both days. Reminder that tomorrow the THRoW books are due back.
Also, students next week will get their new THRoW books assignment on TUESDAY along with their new WOW words. I won't be here to collect and correct them until then. So, just like this week, students will have four days to complete the THRoW. Please pay close attention to the feedback I give on your child's THRoW work on Tuesday. Read over with your child BEFORE beginning the new THRoW. It will be another non-fiction text of your child's choosing.

Counsellor Wilson
SECRET QUESTION: What does a number increase by when you move down one square in the hundreds chart?