I trust everyone is all geared up now for fantastic but SHORT week of school!

for corrections in their Math duo tangs and we will be rocking it! Please return signed tests at your earliest convenience.
MATH: Our next unit is in Patterning and Algebra with a focus on number patterns as well as an introduction to multiplication of the 0, 1, 2, and 10 timetables.
Tuesday (holiday Monday) your child will be coming home with a grey duo tang titled THRoW (Take Home Reading or Writing). This will be the homework for the week. I assign it on Mondays and it is due on Fridays. In it will be modelled examples of what is expected for both Fiction and Non Fiction texts. To start, I will be sending home a Non-Fiction text with each student to use to complete this week's homework. Please take the time to read my Modelled Non-Fiction example that is in your child's duo tang before starting the homework. I expect it to be set up exactly as I explained. Keep the book all week until the THRoW is completed and then return both books (duo tang and text) to me by Friday. Students who do not hand in their THRoW on or by Friday, will be expected to complete the homework during recess. I give all week to complete this task, so there really are no excuses. This will be the homework for the next month or so - Identifying a text a Fiction or Non-Fiction and proving it with the features. Good luck on their first THRoW!

Counsellor Wilson
SECRET QUESTION: What kind of connection is it when a reader connects to a part of a text with something in their own lives?