THIS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27th- PD day, no school. That would be terrible if you sent your child and he/she had to spend the whole day with little o'l me!
Parents, in your child's blue Math duo tang, I added a handout that explains the strategy for finding a missing number on a number line. Students MUST use a reliable strategy for labelling missing numbers. Simply saying that I put a dot just before the 50 for the number 49 because 49 is right before 50 isn't a reliable strategy. Students have been taught to find the middle number first IF THERE IS ONE. Once you are left with 4 missing numbers, they know to equally space out 4 notches and then count up from the lower known number to the number they need to find. It might be four equally spaced out notches counting by 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, or 25s. Please read the handout and encourage students to use math vocabulary when communicating their thinking.
Funny thing, when I first gathered my students on the carpet at the beginning of this year, I asked them what special things grade 3s get to do in a school year. I was hoping to get answers like Swim to Survive and EQAO testing, however, the first thing they shouted out in excitement was... HALLOWEEN FEAR FACTOR!!! I had a good laugh about that, because this is clearly one of the most memorable things I do with students each year that seems to have a lasting impact...
So, TUESDAY, OCT. 31st, Camp Wilson is hosting a spooky Halloween FEAR FACTOR event! We are using foods from our 4 Healthy Food Groups to create the effect of horrifying body parts in a "Walk-through-put-your-hand-in-and-feel" activity! Many classes in our school desperately ask to participate in the walk through, it's super fun! I only need a certain number of food items, so if you would like to sign up in your child's agenda for a particular food item, please do! It's ok if there are doubles, sometimes I need to replace the foods throughout the day!
Here are the choices...
- head of cauliflower (brains)
- dried apricots (chopped off ears)
- cooked spaghetti noodles (guts)
- large pumpkin seeks (ripped off finger nails)
- large round grapes (eye balls)
- cooked hot dogs (chopped off fingers)

These items need to be brought in on MONDAY so I can set up for Tuesday. Also, this will tell me what items I may need to still buy the day before!
Let the FUN begin!
Counselor Wilson