Thank you parents who sent in food items for our FEAR FACTOR event tomorrow! A special thank you to Mrs. Kehl who generously donated a $25.00 gift card to our class to cover any additional food items that were still needed! VERY GENEROUS indeed! Thank you! I will be sure to spend the extra money on goodies for our class!
This week:

Science test - This Friday, there will be our end of the unit Science test on Stability and Structures. (I know, boo right?) I will send home the green Science duo tangs for review on Wednesday and Thursday. Please remind students to return this duo tang everyday. We will be doing a whole class review of the unit on Thursday.
THRoW Homeowork: I am SUPER pleased with the results of our second Non-Fiction THRoW! Most students read my feed back and took the necessary steps to bump up their marks! Well done! This week, I will be sending home a fiction story to work on. Follow my modelled example in the front of the THRoW duo tangs please.

Counsellor Wilson
SECRET QUESTION: What are we using for eyeballs in our Fear Factor?