Monday 30 October 2017


Thank you parents who sent in food items for our FEAR FACTOR event tomorrow!  A special thank you to Mrs. Kehl who generously donated a $25.00 gift card to our class to cover any additional food items that were still needed!  VERY GENEROUS indeed!  Thank you!  I will be sure to spend the extra money on goodies for our class!

This week:
HALLOWEEN DAY:  Orange and Black day tomorrow.  Also, if parents are wishing to send in treats for the class, it WILL be allowed.  We have 20 students in our class.  Thank you in advance if you decide to send in treats!  Tomorrow afternoon we will be doing our much anticipated FEAR FACTOR walk through.  Students are allowed to bring in any scary masks or props that might help increase the fear factor effects!  I will be sure to take many pictures to post later this week!

Science test - This Friday, there will be our end of the unit Science test on Stability and Structures. (I know, boo right?) I will send home the green Science duo tangs for review on Wednesday and Thursday.  Please remind students to return this duo tang everyday.  We will be doing a whole class review of the unit on Thursday.

THRoW Homeowork:  I am SUPER pleased with the results of our second Non-Fiction THRoW!  Most students read my feed back and took the necessary steps to bump up their marks!  Well done! This week, I will be sending home a fiction story to work on.  Follow my modelled example in the front of the THRoW duo tangs please.


Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What are we using for eyeballs in our Fear Factor?