Does this mean that we are finished grade 3? No! There is still much to learn!
School ends on June 28 I plan to continue teaching as usual for the next 30 days. We will work as per our usual schedule until the final week of school. Please try not to take your child out of school unless for medical appointments or unavoidable circumstances. If it is unavoidable, please give me a heads up in your child's agenda so I do not have to scramble in the moment to pack your child up during instruction. Thank you!

MUSIC TESTS: Friday, July 1st and Monday, July 4th. Assessments will be sent home to be signed. Please ensure your child is practising.
Next Week:
Math test on Probability - Wednesday, July 6th
Science Test on Soils - Thursday, July 7th
WOW test - Thursday, July 7th
Information to come regarding Poetry Cafe! Stay tuned!
Counsellor Wilson
SECRET QUESTION: What is 45 divided by 9 equal?