Thursday 31 May 2018

CONGRATULATIONS to all grade 3s for successfully completing the EQAO testing!  Everyone did a great job!  

     Does this mean that we are finished grade 3?  No!  There is still much to learn!

     School ends on June 28 I plan to continue teaching as usual for the next 30 days. We will work as per our usual schedule until the final week of school.  Please try not to take your child out of school unless for medical appointments or unavoidable circumstances.  If it is unavoidable, please give me a heads up in your child's agenda so I do not have to scramble in the moment to pack your child up during instruction.  Thank you!

MUSIC TESTS:  Friday, July 1st and Monday, July 4th.  Assessments will be sent home to be signed.  Please ensure your child is practising.

Next Week:

Math test on Probability - Wednesday, July 6th
Science Test on Soils - Thursday, July 7th
WOW test - Thursday, July 7th

Information to come regarding Poetry Cafe!  Stay tuned!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is 45 divided by 9 equal?

Sunday 27 May 2018

Day 4 of EQAO:  
Monday:  MATH SECTION 2 
9:00 - 11:00 am

Students have been doing a tremendous job on EQAO.  Our afternoons have been filled with creating school posters with the theme:  SAVE OUR PLANET.  We are also rehearsing for our upcoming music test to be held this Friday.  Your child has already selected a piece that he/she will be tested on this Friday.  You should be hearing that same song ALL WEEK LONG.
Here's how to earn a level 4:

Image result for images of recorders
  • tap your foot along to the beat
  • play the notes correctly
  • read the music correctly
  • sit with proper posture
  • hold recorder correctly (left hand on top)

Homework:  Only WOW test and Music Test this Friday.  No additional homework.  That being said, please ensure your child is practising his/her recorder and reviewing WOW words.

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is one way we can reduce the amount of garbage we create?

Thursday 24 May 2018

EQAO DAY 1 - TERRIFIC START!  Thank you parents for getting your child to school on time!  It makes life so much easier when everyone is here and accounted for during this next week!  Remember:  8:45 early entry!

Today we read a mentor text titled "No Excuses" by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer.  It was about a little boy who aspired to become a marine biologist but was faced with many people giving him excuses as to why he shouldn't be one.  He had a choice to use or not use those excuses.  Ask your child what he did...

SECRET QUESTION:  Which sentence is NOT AN EXCUSE?  Write the number in your agenda.

1.  My mom says she wasn't very good in math when she was in school, so I am also not good in math.

2.  I don't think I'll do very well on this question, so I am going to leave it blank and not even try.

3. I am nervous to try out for the track and field team, but I'm going to anyways

Counsellor Wilson

Sunday 20 May 2018

Dear Parents and Campers,

This week, you will be happy to hear that there will be NO HOMEWORK in light of EQAO testing that begins this Wednesday.  So, just make sure your child is here on time in the morning and please do not schedule any appointments from 9-11 am for the next week and a half.

Related imageEQAO:  I encourage parents to check out this link to find out more information about EQAO testing and what the results mean.  EQAO Information for Parents

Yes, you've all been hearing about this test, but in reality, it's nothing the campers haven't seen already many times throughout this year.  The great news is, we are only doing a section a day spread over six days.  This means, students are only doing about an hour of  EQAO a morning.  Wonderful snacks are provided for students to munch on so no need for any additional morning snacks.
Image result for images of healthy snacks
Here is our schedule...each day is about an hour and a half at the most.  Students can have as much time as they need, but usually most are done within the hour.

Wednesday 9:00 am - Language Book A
Thursday 9:00 am - Language Book B
Friday - 9:00 am - Math Section 1
Monday - 9:00 am - Math Section 2
Tuesday - 9:00 am - Language Section C
Wednesday - 9:00 am - Language Section D

Thank you for working around this schedule for the next six days as it is very difficult to reschedule testing for individual students with supervision.  I look forward to students proudly demonstrating their language and math skills that they have developed over the last four years!  We got this!  Look out EQAO, here we come!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is Mr. Wilson's (Counsellor Wilson's husband) job?

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Student of the Month:  Congratulations to GHENA J. and ROAN N. for earning the Student of the Month awards for April for COOPERATION!  Well done, both of you!

Measurement Pics

We are PERIMETER & AREA masters!  Check these out!  Students determined the perimeter and area of each letter in their block name and then totalled their letters up to see the total perimeter and total area!  AMAZING!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  Who is in the sixth picture below?

Hi Campers and Parents!

This week, students will be coming home with their Math assessment in Measurement and a language quiz on Quotation Marks.  In math this week we are working on our final two mini-units on Probability and Mass and Capacity.  Each takes about a week.  The homework for this week will be MATH.  Please keep a close eye on what your child is supposed to be completing each night.  All daily math homework is to be completed by next day.  Thank you!


This Thursday is our final Swim to Survive class.  Students will be assessed on all three skills; a roll into deep water, 1 minute of treading water followed by a 50 meter swim all in succsession to simulate a real-life situation.  Students will be assessed as having MET the Swim to Survive criteria or NOT having met these criteria.  This mark will be part of your child's overall Health mark.

Student of the Month Assembly:  This Friday at 10:00 in our school gym we will be holding our Student of the Month assembly.  The theme for this month is PERSEVERANCE.

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the perimeter of this shape?  HINT:  You will need to figure out the length of the unlabelled side first.

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Image result for images of perimeter and area
Hello Parents and Campers!

We have been continuing on in our Math unit in Measurement and will be ready to assess this Friday.   I will be sending home the Math duo tangs to review this Wednesday and Thursday.

Also, reminder that there is another language assessment on quotation marks this Friday as well.

Image result for images of swim to survive
Reminder:  This Thursday is Swim to Survive 2 of 3!  Students did a great job on their first visit!  Looking forward to round 2!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the term used for the distance around an object or area?

Wednesday 2 May 2018


Where:  Windsor Aquatic Centre
When: May 3, 10, 17th

Bus leaving school at 12:30 pm.

Please do not take your child out for lunch tomorrow.  Have them eat their lunches here at school as we will be leaving shortly afterwards at 12:30pm  Return time is 3:00pm.

Parents who wish to attend must drive themselves.  Students are to travel with class on the bus.

BRING:  Bathing Suit, Towel, Plastic bag labelled with your child's name on it and class.

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What kind of worms are best for creating a composter - Earthworms or Red Wriggler Worms?

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Dear Parents,

Please make sure you have signed and returned your child's permission form for Swim to Survive by tomorrow.  I still have 5 outstanding forms to be returned.  Remember, this program is MANDATORY and an integral part of our Health and Safety Curriculum in grade 3.  Not only that, but it is also a lot of fun for students!  Time permitting, we might even have time for a little wave pool action on the last day!

I will be using this as part of your child Health assessment for Term 2.  Those who do not attend will be graded with an I (Insufficient Data).  Please ensure your child comes to school with their bathing suits, towels and plastic bags Thursday. 

Also, tonight is the final night to review quotation marks before our quiz tomorrow.  Review yellow duo tang for rules.

"Make sure you review tonight," implored Mrs. Wilson.

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What punctuation is needed in the highlighted area below.

"What is date today  " asked Mrs. Wilson.