Sunday 27 May 2018

Day 4 of EQAO:  
Monday:  MATH SECTION 2 
9:00 - 11:00 am

Students have been doing a tremendous job on EQAO.  Our afternoons have been filled with creating school posters with the theme:  SAVE OUR PLANET.  We are also rehearsing for our upcoming music test to be held this Friday.  Your child has already selected a piece that he/she will be tested on this Friday.  You should be hearing that same song ALL WEEK LONG.
Here's how to earn a level 4:

Image result for images of recorders
  • tap your foot along to the beat
  • play the notes correctly
  • read the music correctly
  • sit with proper posture
  • hold recorder correctly (left hand on top)

Homework:  Only WOW test and Music Test this Friday.  No additional homework.  That being said, please ensure your child is practising his/her recorder and reviewing WOW words.

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is one way we can reduce the amount of garbage we create?