Thursday 24 May 2018

EQAO DAY 1 - TERRIFIC START!  Thank you parents for getting your child to school on time!  It makes life so much easier when everyone is here and accounted for during this next week!  Remember:  8:45 early entry!

Today we read a mentor text titled "No Excuses" by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer.  It was about a little boy who aspired to become a marine biologist but was faced with many people giving him excuses as to why he shouldn't be one.  He had a choice to use or not use those excuses.  Ask your child what he did...

SECRET QUESTION:  Which sentence is NOT AN EXCUSE?  Write the number in your agenda.

1.  My mom says she wasn't very good in math when she was in school, so I am also not good in math.

2.  I don't think I'll do very well on this question, so I am going to leave it blank and not even try.

3. I am nervous to try out for the track and field team, but I'm going to anyways

Counsellor Wilson