This week, you will be happy to hear that there will be NO HOMEWORK in light of EQAO testing that begins this Wednesday. So, just make sure your child is here on time in the morning and please do not schedule any appointments from 9-11 am for the next week and a half.

Yes, you've all been hearing about this test, but in reality, it's nothing the campers haven't seen already many times throughout this year. The great news is, we are only doing a section a day spread over six days. This means, students are only doing about an hour of EQAO a morning. Wonderful snacks are provided for students to munch on so no need for any additional morning snacks.

Here is our schedule...each day is about an hour and a half at the most. Students can have as much time as they need, but usually most are done within the hour.
Wednesday 9:00 am - Language Book A
Thursday 9:00 am - Language Book B
Friday - 9:00 am - Math Section 1
Monday - 9:00 am - Math Section 2
Tuesday - 9:00 am - Language Section C
Wednesday - 9:00 am - Language Section D
Thank you for working around this schedule for the next six days as it is very difficult to reschedule testing for individual students with supervision. I look forward to students proudly demonstrating their language and math skills that they have developed over the last four years! We got this! Look out EQAO, here we come!
Counsellor Wilson
SECRET QUESTION: What is Mr. Wilson's (Counsellor Wilson's husband) job?