Tuesday 15 May 2018

Hi Campers and Parents!

This week, students will be coming home with their Math assessment in Measurement and a language quiz on Quotation Marks.  In math this week we are working on our final two mini-units on Probability and Mass and Capacity.  Each takes about a week.  The homework for this week will be MATH.  Please keep a close eye on what your child is supposed to be completing each night.  All daily math homework is to be completed by next day.  Thank you!


This Thursday is our final Swim to Survive class.  Students will be assessed on all three skills; a roll into deep water, 1 minute of treading water followed by a 50 meter swim all in succsession to simulate a real-life situation.  Students will be assessed as having MET the Swim to Survive criteria or NOT having met these criteria.  This mark will be part of your child's overall Health mark.

Student of the Month Assembly:  This Friday at 10:00 in our school gym we will be holding our Student of the Month assembly.  The theme for this month is PERSEVERANCE.

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the perimeter of this shape?  HINT:  You will need to figure out the length of the unlabelled side first.