Please make sure you have signed and returned your child's permission form for Swim to Survive by tomorrow. I still have 5 outstanding forms to be returned. Remember, this program is MANDATORY and an integral part of our Health and Safety Curriculum in grade 3. Not only that, but it is also a lot of fun for students! Time permitting, we might even have time for a little wave pool action on the last day!

I will be using this as part of your child Health assessment for Term 2. Those who do not attend will be graded with an I (Insufficient Data). Please ensure your child comes to school with their bathing suits, towels and plastic bags Thursday.

Also, tonight is the final night to review quotation marks before our quiz tomorrow. Review yellow duo tang for rules.
"Make sure you review tonight," implored Mrs. Wilson.
Counsellor Wilson
SECRET QUESTION: What punctuation is needed in the highlighted area below.
"What is date today " asked Mrs. Wilson.