Tuesday 30 January 2018


     There are still some students who have not yet completed or corrected some pages in their blue Math duo tangs...please check to see if your child's math duo tang has yellow stickies.    If so, they MUST be corrected / completed by tomorrow.  I purposely did not assign a THRoW this week so students would be diligent in ensuring their Math would be done.

Also, tomorrow we will be watcErosion with a Quiz on Thursday.  I forgot to add that to our agenda. Students will be coming home tonight with their quiz on Friction.  Well done, all!
hing our video on

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  I have 6 vertices and 6 faces.  What solid could I be?

Monday 29 January 2018

Dear Parents and Campers,

      Welcome back to another beautiful week of school!
      Hopefully, you have all been getting a taste of the new reading response THRoW homework.  We have been working really hard on students getting into the habit of Responding to the question, proving their answer with an example from the text and using their own ideas. I've used the acronym R.A.P. for...
Restate the question in the beginning of your answer,
Answer the question
Prove it with an example from the text.
       Students are only allowed to use the lines provided, so they need to make sure what they are writing is really the 'meat and potatoes' of the answer!  We will continue to work on this.  This week, there is no THRoW as we will be dissecting our responses from last week's answers.  Also, students will need to focus on reviewing for their Math test, Science Quizzes, Language Quiz and WOW test this week.

SCIENCE:  Today we begin our 3rd force - Force of Friction
We will be watching a video on Friction and going over our review sheet.  Review this evening for our quiz tomorrow.

That's all for now,

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What Am I?  I have 9 vertices, one base, 8 triangluar congruent faces, and the face of my base is not a triangle, square or pentagon, heptagon or decagon!

Friday 26 January 2018

Student of the Month - Achievement

Congratulations to Dylan Ashley and Emma Slater for earning this month's Student of the Month Award for Achievement!  Well done and continue striving to do your very best in all areas of life!

Congratulations Emma and Dylan!

Next month's focus for those who want to try extra hard to earn this award is for Kindness and Compassion.

Good luck campers!

By the way, keep your eye out for our Art assessment coming home today on Creating the Illusion of Texture in 2D Works of Art!  Students did a stupendous job!  Please sign the attached rubric and return so I can proudly display them all!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is 6 x 4?

Tuesday 23 January 2018

Muscular Quiz tomorrow!

Review the sheet I sent home today with your child.  Also, if you like, you can rewatch the 2 videos that teach us about muscular force on my blog.  See the Science section and click on Muscular Force 1 and Muscular Force 2.

Students must be able to label the major muscle groups on a person.


Happy Reviewing!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What muscle means 'of the heart'?

Monday 22 January 2018

This week...

Monday - THRoW assigned.  Today we took up the answers to the questions from last week on the reading A Good Decision.  We discussed at length how to properly achieve a level 4 and how to cross check the multiple choice answers by going back to the text for proof.

Tuesday - Review Science.  Tuesday we will watch our first video on Muscular Force.  I will send home the review sheet.  Please go over in preparation for the quiz next day.

Wednesday - Science Quiz on Muscular Force

Thursday - Review Force of Gravity sheet.

Friday  - Science Quiz on Force of Gravity

ART:  I will be sending home an art assessment on textures that students have been working on for the last couple of weeks.  See attached rubric.

More to come...

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION: A force is is a ________ or pull that acts on an object causing it to move.

Thursday 18 January 2018

Reminder Parents and Campers,

Image result for images of no school

Have a terrific long weekend! 

Remember to review for your math test on Monday!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  I am a polygon, I have four sides, four vertices, two acute angles, two obtuse angles and all of my sides are equal and I have 2 pairs of parallel lines. What am I?

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Parents and Campers,

Tuesday and all is quiet...

I am super proud of my campers for doing such a terrific job on the leveled question on their Social Studies test!  I was wowed with several level 4 answers.  Keep it up, campers!  Well done!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  I am a polygon with 4 vertices, 4 sides, 2 of my sides are equal and the other 2 sides are also equal,  I have 2 acute and 2 obtuse angles, I have 2 pairs of parallel lines.  What am I?  Hint;  I belong to the family of quadrilaterals.


Monday 15 January 2018

This SHORT week, due to our PD Day Friday will look like this...

THRoW:  Today I modelled and worked with students on how to complete a level 4 Reading Response in their THRoW duo tangs in the reading titled 'Snowshoe Adventure'. Please read it over and make note of how the short answer questions are answered.  The key to responding well is to include..

*Specific examples from the text (also make reference to WHERE it was found in text Ex. In paragraph 3...)
*Your own ideas to support your answer

The homework this week will be a new story titled 'A Good Decision'.  Students are expected to carefully read the story, answer the 5 multiple choice questions as well as the 2 short answer questions.  Students should be referring back to the text SEVERAL time to answer these questions.  If they are not, they are probably not including any specific examples from the text.  This will result in a level 2 or 1.  It's almost guaranteed to achieve a level 3 at the very least if one includes examples from the text.  Happy reading!  I will return these reading responses next week on Monday.

HEALTH: We will have a short Health Quiz on Processed and Unprocessed foods this Thursday.  I will send home their orange Health duo tangs on Wednesday for review.

MATH:  We will be completing our Math Unit this week on Geometric Shapes.  I will send the duo tangs home Thursday for your child to review over the weekend.  I will assess students on Monday.  I just felt it was too much to do all this week.  Usually I don't expect work to be done on the weekends, but students will be more than ready for our test on Monday.  Please review this weekend.  I will be doing a whole class review Thursday.
In brief, students should be able to describe and sort 2D shapes by these attributes:

  • name of the shape
  • # of vertices
  • # of sides
  • # of angles right/acute/obtuse angles
  • # of pairs of parallel lines
  • # of equal sides (sides that have the same length)
  • what shapes can make up this shape (ex. a rhombus and a triangle can make a trapezoid)
That's good for today!
Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What must a student include in their short answer after reading a story to achieve a level 3 or 4?

Friday 12 January 2018

Dear Parents and Campers,

Well, we made it through our first week back from Christmas break and it feels like we never left!  That's good, because that means we are right back on track in our learning!

Today we are having our end-of-the-unit Social Studies test on First Nations and Early Settlers.  Students were given more than enough review in class this week to do very well, plus the two nights of review at home should put them over the top!  I will send the tests home for signing and review on Monday.  Please return on Tuesday.

SCIENCE:  Our next unit in Science will be on Forces.  We will be enjoying a variety of Bill Nye the Science guy science videos every other day and condense the learning in a prepared review sheet for your child to go over followed by a quiz the next day.  So, here is how this will play out...

Day 1- Watch video on What is a Force?  Study review sheet that night.
Day 2 - Open-Book Quiz (for the first one only)
Day 3 - Watch video on Muscular Forces.  Study review sheet that night.
Day 4 - Quiz
Day 5 - Watch video on Force of Gravity.  Study review sheet that night.
Day 6 - Quiz
Day 7 - Watch video on Force of Friction.  Study review sheet that night.
Day 8 - Quiz
Day 9 - Watch video on Force of Erosion.  Study review sheet that night.
Day 10 - Quiz

I will average out a final mark based on the average of these four independent quizzes to achieve a final unit mark.  So, it is very important that students study the review sheets each night for the quiz the following day.  In the past, students LOVE this style of evaluation!  They also enjoy the funny videos while learning!  I will post these videos on my blog for you to enjoy as well.

HEALTH:  We are also going back to part 2 of a unit we started a while ago in Health.  We will be taking a look at our daily eating choices with a special focus on processed and unprocessed foods. We will look at how some foods are processed in a factory and the path from field to consumer a processed food takes. 

VISUAL ARTS:  We have been exploring how to create the illusion of texture in our 2D works of art including how to create tree bark, brick, thatch, stone paths, grass, patterns in clothing, and fish scales.  Our final assessment will be to use these visual art strategies in a final 2D work of art with preexisting images that your child must add testure to and colour.  There really is not 'studying' for this, it is all practise.  So, ask your child about what textures he/she is able to create tonight!

Ok, that's all for now!  Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION: What adjective best describes our camp when someone is brave enough to share their poetry / an answer / their ideas?

Sunday 7 January 2018

happy 2018 new year wishes greetings card gifDear Players and Parents,
             Welcome back to school!  I hope everyone had a peaceful and family-filled Christmas and New Year break!  Now, let's get those campers back to camp and down to business!

NEW:  So, the first part of the year students enjoyed beginning each day with Song of the Week.  Now, for our second half, we will explore Poem of the Week.  It is sure to be a big hit with students!  Ask your child about this week's P.O.W. (Poem of  the Week)!

SOCIAL STUDIES:  We will be wrapping up our unit on First Nations and Early Settlers with a unit test on Friday.  I will send home the green duo tangs for review on Wednesday and Thursday.

MATH:  We will also be starting a new unit on Geometry and Spatial Sense with a focus on 2D shapes and 3D solids.

HEALTH:  We will be taking a closer look at Processed and Unprocessed Foods and how to apply this knowlege and learning in making daily  healthy choices.

So as not to overwhelm you, I will leave you with this for now...

I am thrilled to begin the second half of our year with my campers!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the number of students in our class x 3?