Monday 15 January 2018

This SHORT week, due to our PD Day Friday will look like this...

THRoW:  Today I modelled and worked with students on how to complete a level 4 Reading Response in their THRoW duo tangs in the reading titled 'Snowshoe Adventure'. Please read it over and make note of how the short answer questions are answered.  The key to responding well is to include..

*Specific examples from the text (also make reference to WHERE it was found in text Ex. In paragraph 3...)
*Your own ideas to support your answer

The homework this week will be a new story titled 'A Good Decision'.  Students are expected to carefully read the story, answer the 5 multiple choice questions as well as the 2 short answer questions.  Students should be referring back to the text SEVERAL time to answer these questions.  If they are not, they are probably not including any specific examples from the text.  This will result in a level 2 or 1.  It's almost guaranteed to achieve a level 3 at the very least if one includes examples from the text.  Happy reading!  I will return these reading responses next week on Monday.

HEALTH: We will have a short Health Quiz on Processed and Unprocessed foods this Thursday.  I will send home their orange Health duo tangs on Wednesday for review.

MATH:  We will be completing our Math Unit this week on Geometric Shapes.  I will send the duo tangs home Thursday for your child to review over the weekend.  I will assess students on Monday.  I just felt it was too much to do all this week.  Usually I don't expect work to be done on the weekends, but students will be more than ready for our test on Monday.  Please review this weekend.  I will be doing a whole class review Thursday.
In brief, students should be able to describe and sort 2D shapes by these attributes:

  • name of the shape
  • # of vertices
  • # of sides
  • # of angles right/acute/obtuse angles
  • # of pairs of parallel lines
  • # of equal sides (sides that have the same length)
  • what shapes can make up this shape (ex. a rhombus and a triangle can make a trapezoid)
That's good for today!
Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What must a student include in their short answer after reading a story to achieve a level 3 or 4?