Monday 29 January 2018

Dear Parents and Campers,

      Welcome back to another beautiful week of school!
      Hopefully, you have all been getting a taste of the new reading response THRoW homework.  We have been working really hard on students getting into the habit of Responding to the question, proving their answer with an example from the text and using their own ideas. I've used the acronym R.A.P. for...
Restate the question in the beginning of your answer,
Answer the question
Prove it with an example from the text.
       Students are only allowed to use the lines provided, so they need to make sure what they are writing is really the 'meat and potatoes' of the answer!  We will continue to work on this.  This week, there is no THRoW as we will be dissecting our responses from last week's answers.  Also, students will need to focus on reviewing for their Math test, Science Quizzes, Language Quiz and WOW test this week.

SCIENCE:  Today we begin our 3rd force - Force of Friction
We will be watching a video on Friction and going over our review sheet.  Review this evening for our quiz tomorrow.

That's all for now,

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What Am I?  I have 9 vertices, one base, 8 triangluar congruent faces, and the face of my base is not a triangle, square or pentagon, heptagon or decagon!