Welcome back to school! I hope everyone had a peaceful and family-filled Christmas and New Year break! Now, let's get those campers back to camp and down to business!
NEW: So, the first part of the year students enjoyed beginning each day with Song of the Week. Now, for our second half, we will explore Poem of the Week. It is sure to be a big hit with students! Ask your child about this week's P.O.W. (Poem of the Week)!
SOCIAL STUDIES: We will be wrapping up our unit on First Nations and Early Settlers with a unit test on Friday. I will send home the green duo tangs for review on Wednesday and Thursday.
MATH: We will also be starting a new unit on Geometry and Spatial Sense with a focus on 2D shapes and 3D solids.
HEALTH: We will be taking a closer look at Processed and Unprocessed Foods and how to apply this knowlege and learning in making daily healthy choices.
So as not to overwhelm you, I will leave you with this for now...
I am thrilled to begin the second half of our year with my campers!
Counsellor Wilson
SECRET QUESTION: What is the number of students in our class x 3?