Monday 22 January 2018

This week...

Monday - THRoW assigned.  Today we took up the answers to the questions from last week on the reading A Good Decision.  We discussed at length how to properly achieve a level 4 and how to cross check the multiple choice answers by going back to the text for proof.

Tuesday - Review Science.  Tuesday we will watch our first video on Muscular Force.  I will send home the review sheet.  Please go over in preparation for the quiz next day.

Wednesday - Science Quiz on Muscular Force

Thursday - Review Force of Gravity sheet.

Friday  - Science Quiz on Force of Gravity

ART:  I will be sending home an art assessment on textures that students have been working on for the last couple of weeks.  See attached rubric.

More to come...

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION: A force is is a ________ or pull that acts on an object causing it to move.