Thursday 30 November 2017

Image result for images of time
Dear Parents and Campers,

I'm alive!!!  Sorry for the break in's been a very busy week!

We just finished up the first part of our Math unit on measurement and we will be ready to write the unit test next week on Tuesday.  I will review Monday, but I will also send home the Math duo tangs for review over the weekend.

Please note...there are many students who need to complete or correct the pages that I have tagged.  Please make sure your child goes over those specific pages and completes what needs to be completed and corrects his/her errors.  I will make sure I find time to check on these corrections Monday during the day.

Students are expected to know how to...
Image result for images of calendar

  • Read, write and say time on an analog clock in two different ways
  • Read and draw the temperature on a thermometer using degrees Celsius
  • Read a calendar (know about days in a year, weeks in a year, months in a year/leap year)
Please go over the blue math duo tang and review areas where your child has made errors.

Image result for images of blog drawThe blog draw will be done next Friday where I will do TWO blog draws to make up for this weeks.

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Thank you for the cans so far...we CAN do it!  Let's keep bringing in those cans!  It is for a great cause and we are looking forward to a great show of support to AM 800 Cans for a Cause next Friday!  We are also looking forward to packing our backs full of cans for our hike!  I will be sending home a permission note for mini-field trips in walking distance of the school for the remainder of the school year.  Thanks for all your support so far!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What temperature would be par for a cold winter day in degrees celsius?

Monday 27 November 2017

Hello Parents and Players!

Last night, I enjoyed reading 20 letters from my campers and let me tell you, I REALLY enjoyed reading them and replying to their questions!  Well done, everyone!  We are really moving along nicely in letter writing!  Please take some time tonight to read my letter in response to theirs.  I had a few questions of my own, too!  Also, please reread my feedback on their letters so they will not repeat the same errors.  This is what I call BUMPING UP their levels.


T'is the season to participate in our annual canned food collection!  The campers of Camp Wilson are being challenged by the students in Mrs. DeCarolis' class to collect as many cans as possible over the next couple of weeks in preparation for the Christmas GIVING SEASON.  We are going to be delivering the cans that we collect by packing up our backpacks and walking them over to the Devonshire Mall food court where AM 800 is hosting the 10th Annual Cans For a Cause Food drive collection for the St. Vincent De Paul Society.  Our goal is to try to collect 8-9 cans per student to pack into their back packs!  Any donations that you can make will be greatly appreciated.  We even talked in class about students possibly taking on a few extra chores around the house to earn enough money to purchase canned goods on their own.  Or, maybe, offering to earn their 'allowance' in cans instead of cash for a couple of weeks!  The possibilities are endless and certainly all for a great cause!  Nothing like building a little character!   Parents who would like to attend, are welcome to, as extra supervision is always welcome on our walk over.  Simply arrive at 9:30, sign in at the office and meet up in our classroom at 9:40 sharp on Friday, December 8th.  I will be sending home permission forms for our walk this week.

Advent Mass:  3W and 2F are going to putting on our school mass next Friday, December 8th at 1:30 in the afternoon in our school gym.  Yes, I DID say Friday, December 8th - the SAME DAY AS OUR WALK TO DEVONSHIRE MALL FOR THE AM800 CANS FOR A CAUSE!  So, you will need to dress your child VERY WARMLY for our walk.  We are going rain, snow, or shine!

Christmas Movie:  Information to come shortly!  Waiting on information myself!  Stand by....

Camp Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What special holy season begins at the end of this week?

Thursday 23 November 2017


Student of the Month Assembly - LEADERSHIP - Tomorrow, Friday, November 24th, 9:40 am in gym

Language Quiz tomorrow  - review plural nouns, joining sentences using the conjunction AND, writing sentences.

MATH HELP needed!

We are currently learning about time.  Here are the grade expectations...

Gr. 1 - tell time to the hour (__:00) and half hour (__:30)
Gr. 2 - Tell time to the quarter hour
            Ex. 2:15 = Quarter past 2
                   3:45 = Quarter to 4
Gr. 3 - Tell time to five minute intervals, quarter to and quarter after, half past

Students must be able to read time in TWO WAYS. 
For example...

4:10  or  10 minutes after 4
3:30  or  half past 3
12:55  or 5 minutes to 1
3:15 or quarter after 3, or 15 minutes past 3

Please review and practise this with your child.  We need to move on and some students are still struggling with this concept despite daily small group instruction.

That's all for now!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is another way of saying 3:45?

Tuesday 21 November 2017

In class, we enjoyed the Mentor text 'The Day the Crayons Quit' by Drew Daywalt.  It was a story told in letter format by crayons who had various complaints to share with Duncan, the boy they belonged to.  As a follow up, we decided to reply to one of the letters (student chose which one) and write back to them as Duncan.  
     Tonight, your child is bringing home his/her letter that I have assessed. This is our first time writing a letter...
  1. Brainstorming ideas
  2. Writing a rough copy
  3. Checking the rubric to ensure we met all of the criteria
  4. Revising our rough copy using our revising checklist
  5. Editing using our editing checklist
       It isn't surprising this first attempt isn't going to be perfect, but hopefully, students will learn from this task so they will know how to improve upon the next one.  Students are WAY too quick to begin a good copy before taking some REAL time to edit and revise their writing.  This is a process.  Please review their letter, sign and return it to school tomorrow so I can put them up on our bulletin board!  I really enjoyed reading them!

For the THRoW letters, please have students use the editing and revising checklists.  I will send them in your child's agenda in the front pocket.  You can glue/tape them on the back of the front cover for reference.  They can use red pen and I will read it with the edits and revisions.  Thank you for your support!  Encourage your child to ask me some questions, write with energy and a clear voice and even let me see their sense of humour if they like!  I can't wait to read them!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the Heading in a letter?

Sunday 19 November 2017

Image result for images of anchor charts friendly letterHello Everyone!

This week...

HOMEWORK:  I will be sending home the THRoW duo tangs this week.  However, this week, we are working on writing letters. The task will be to reply to my letter that I put into your child's THRoW duo tang.  I highlighted all the features of a letter for your child to include. Students are encouraged to let their own unique voice (personality) shine through in their writing to me!  Be sure your child answers MY questions and then feel free to ask me a few questions, too!  I will write back!

That's all for now, but I will be back later this week with more!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  How many days are there in a leap year?

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Happy Tuesday, Parents and Campers!

As you noticed, Progress reports went home yesterday.  I have gone over these reports and goals with your child using child-friendlly language to explain the learning skills to them.  Nothing was a surprise to anyone, lol, as it shouldn't be.  Interviews are scheduled tomorrow night, Wednesday, November 15th from 4:00pm until 7:00pm.  Each interview is set for 10 minutes, yes, only ten minutes each, so please come prepared with specific questions you may have regarding the progress report.  I have said everything that I needed to say on the report, so this is a time for YOU to talk.  I am excited to meet with all of you. PLEASE be on time for your scheduled interview.  I will also so my best to stay on track with 10 minutes / child.

Math Tests:  Also, last night our Patterning with Numbers tests came home to be reviewed and signed.   Students who achieved a low level are expected for review these skills at home.  I have already gone over the answers to the test in class and met with some key campers one to one. I am able to assist students who request additional help at recess if needed.  Encourage your child to advocate for themselves by requesting an appointment to meet with me if needed.  I am available most recesses.
    Our next unit in Math is Measurement.  It will be made up of two parts; Time/Temperature/Calendar and Mass/Capacity.  I will have two tests and combine the marks for one overall achievement level.

SOCIAL STUDIES:  We have begun our launch to our first Social Studies unit on First Nations and Early Settlers of the late 1700s and early 1800s with a visit to John R. Park Homestead.  We will start by exploring the lives of the First Nation peoples, how they lived, hunted, socialized and learned. Then we will learn through a series of journals written by the point of view of First  Nation children and early settlers how the relationship between the two developed over time.  This is actually a very engaging unit and we get to do a bunch of cool CRAFTIVITIES as we learn!

MUSIC:   Yes, as you may have already heard (lol), we are in full force learning how to play the recorder!  I use an awesome app I downloaded on my iPad called Learn & Play Recorder (you can see what the app looks like on the right).  All of the music is accompanied by other instruments which makes it sound really great!  Feel free to download it if you like, but it isn't necessary.  I will be sending home a Music book with your child tonight so that they can practise 10 mins a night.  I had my students highlight the number of the songs that they are supposed to be practising each night.  Feel free to move ahead and try more challenging songs if your child feels ready!  Practise makes perfect!  I call their recorders 'Back Pack Recorders" because they are supposed to be in their backpacks at all times when not in use.  That way, when we practise, students are always prepared with their instruments.  Those who do  not bring their recorders, use a stick, so that they can still practise along with the class focussed on proper fingering.  Three times of no recorder WILL result in a lower level of achievement.  I will keep you posted as to the number of times your child has forgotten in his/her agenda.

Let the songs begin!

That's enough for now,

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What notes did we learn how to play on the recorder so far?

Monday 13 November 2017

Hello Parents and Campers!

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This week's THRoW:  Student choice. That means, students can choose any book of their choice, from home or school, to do their THRoW.  I only ask that when your child submits his/her THRoW to me on Thursday, they also hand in the book they chose to do it on.  That way, I can check the features.  Thank you!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What special day did we pause to remember those who gave their lives for our freedom?