Last night, I enjoyed reading 20 letters from my campers and let me tell you, I REALLY enjoyed reading them and replying to their questions! Well done, everyone! We are really moving along nicely in letter writing! Please take some time tonight to read my letter in response to theirs. I had a few questions of my own, too! Also, please reread my feedback on their letters so they will not repeat the same errors. This is what I call BUMPING UP their levels.

T'is the season to participate in our annual canned food collection! The campers of Camp Wilson are being challenged by the students in Mrs. DeCarolis' class to collect as many cans as possible over the next couple of weeks in preparation for the Christmas GIVING SEASON. We are going to be delivering the cans that we collect by packing up our backpacks and walking them over to the Devonshire Mall food court where AM 800 is hosting the 10th Annual Cans For a Cause Food drive collection for the St. Vincent De Paul Society. Our goal is to try to collect 8-9 cans per student to pack into their back packs! Any donations that you can make will be greatly appreciated. We even talked in class about students possibly taking on a few extra chores around the house to earn enough money to purchase canned goods on their own. Or, maybe, offering to earn their 'allowance' in cans instead of cash for a couple of weeks! The possibilities are endless and certainly all for a great cause! Nothing like building a little character! Parents who would like to attend, are welcome to, as extra supervision is always welcome on our walk over. Simply arrive at 9:30, sign in at the office and meet up in our classroom at 9:40 sharp on Friday, December 8th. I will be sending home permission forms for our walk this week.
Advent Mass: 3W and 2F are going to putting on our school mass next Friday, December 8th at 1:30 in the afternoon in our school gym. Yes, I DID say Friday, December 8th - the SAME DAY AS OUR WALK TO DEVONSHIRE MALL FOR THE AM800 CANS FOR A CAUSE! So, you will need to dress your child VERY WARMLY for our walk. We are going rain, snow, or shine!
Christmas Movie: Information to come shortly! Waiting on information myself! Stand by....
Camp Counsellor Wilson
SECRET QUESTION: What special holy season begins at the end of this week?