Thursday 30 November 2017

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Dear Parents and Campers,

I'm alive!!!  Sorry for the break in's been a very busy week!

We just finished up the first part of our Math unit on measurement and we will be ready to write the unit test next week on Tuesday.  I will review Monday, but I will also send home the Math duo tangs for review over the weekend.

Please note...there are many students who need to complete or correct the pages that I have tagged.  Please make sure your child goes over those specific pages and completes what needs to be completed and corrects his/her errors.  I will make sure I find time to check on these corrections Monday during the day.

Students are expected to know how to...
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  • Read, write and say time on an analog clock in two different ways
  • Read and draw the temperature on a thermometer using degrees Celsius
  • Read a calendar (know about days in a year, weeks in a year, months in a year/leap year)
Please go over the blue math duo tang and review areas where your child has made errors.

Image result for images of blog drawThe blog draw will be done next Friday where I will do TWO blog draws to make up for this weeks.

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Thank you for the cans so far...we CAN do it!  Let's keep bringing in those cans!  It is for a great cause and we are looking forward to a great show of support to AM 800 Cans for a Cause next Friday!  We are also looking forward to packing our backs full of cans for our hike!  I will be sending home a permission note for mini-field trips in walking distance of the school for the remainder of the school year.  Thanks for all your support so far!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What temperature would be par for a cold winter day in degrees celsius?