Thursday 23 November 2017


Student of the Month Assembly - LEADERSHIP - Tomorrow, Friday, November 24th, 9:40 am in gym

Language Quiz tomorrow  - review plural nouns, joining sentences using the conjunction AND, writing sentences.

MATH HELP needed!

We are currently learning about time.  Here are the grade expectations...

Gr. 1 - tell time to the hour (__:00) and half hour (__:30)
Gr. 2 - Tell time to the quarter hour
            Ex. 2:15 = Quarter past 2
                   3:45 = Quarter to 4
Gr. 3 - Tell time to five minute intervals, quarter to and quarter after, half past

Students must be able to read time in TWO WAYS. 
For example...

4:10  or  10 minutes after 4
3:30  or  half past 3
12:55  or 5 minutes to 1
3:15 or quarter after 3, or 15 minutes past 3

Please review and practise this with your child.  We need to move on and some students are still struggling with this concept despite daily small group instruction.

That's all for now!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is another way of saying 3:45?