Tuesday 21 November 2017

In class, we enjoyed the Mentor text 'The Day the Crayons Quit' by Drew Daywalt.  It was a story told in letter format by crayons who had various complaints to share with Duncan, the boy they belonged to.  As a follow up, we decided to reply to one of the letters (student chose which one) and write back to them as Duncan.  
     Tonight, your child is bringing home his/her letter that I have assessed. This is our first time writing a letter...
  1. Brainstorming ideas
  2. Writing a rough copy
  3. Checking the rubric to ensure we met all of the criteria
  4. Revising our rough copy using our revising checklist
  5. Editing using our editing checklist
       It isn't surprising this first attempt isn't going to be perfect, but hopefully, students will learn from this task so they will know how to improve upon the next one.  Students are WAY too quick to begin a good copy before taking some REAL time to edit and revise their writing.  This is a process.  Please review their letter, sign and return it to school tomorrow so I can put them up on our bulletin board!  I really enjoyed reading them!

For the THRoW letters, please have students use the editing and revising checklists.  I will send them in your child's agenda in the front pocket.  You can glue/tape them on the back of the front cover for reference.  They can use red pen and I will read it with the edits and revisions.  Thank you for your support!  Encourage your child to ask me some questions, write with energy and a clear voice and even let me see their sense of humour if they like!  I can't wait to read them!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the Heading in a letter?