Thursday 28 December 2017

Ok parents and campers, here are the videos I promised you...sorry it took so long.  Where I live, the internet connection isn't great.  Enjoy!
Wishing you all a very Happy New Year!

Counsellor Wilson

Friday 22 December 2017

Happy Christmas Break Parents and Campers!
      I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of the parents and campers who spoiled me with thougthful gifts this week!  I am truly blessed to have a such a wonderful group of campers!  Your generosity was overwhelming....thank you all!

Student of the Month: Congratulations to Rahim Gaitan for earning the Student of the Month for Christian Living!  Rahim demonstrates kindness, compassion and respect for all of his peers on a daily basis.  We can all learn a few things from Rahim and how he treats others! Well done, Rahim!

Christmas Performance: Stay tuned...still trying.... Thank you to all of the parents and relatives who were able to come out and enjoy some Christmas cheer this past week!

Counsellor Wilson
Image result for images of merry christmas and happy new year

Pasta Lunch

Thursday 21 December 2017

Congratulations to all the grade three students for an amazing job at our short but sweet recorder performance Tuesday!  I think everyone enjoyed themselves and it was a great way to get into the Christmas spirit!  Next term, we will be learning an assortment of compositions by Beethoven, Bach and Mozart....KIDDING!!  Or, am I....

Reminder that tomorrow, the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL THIS 2017 YEAR, campers will be treated to a pasta luncheon!  Only send your child with a morning and afternoon snack - Lunch is on me!  I look forward to sitting down as a camp for meal together!

  • Pasta lunch begins promptly at 12:00.
  • Student of the Month Assembly in the gym at 10:30.  Focus is Christian Living.
  • Students CAN bring in a their favourite board games to play with their peers.  No electronics, please. Good o'l fashioned board games where conversation and cooperation are a must!
  • I will be sending home any an all extra clothing/containers/etc found in your child's desk/locker so don't be surprised if a younger sibling suddenly reappears!  Kidding, it's a good thing to start the new year on a fresh, clean slate!
  • I am sending home their Math assessment on Data Management tonight.  Please return signed tomorrow.  

That's about all for now!  

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the 5th number of the 3 timetables?

Monday 18 December 2017

WHO:  Parents and students in 3W and 3D
WHERE: St. Christopher, Room 119

WHEN:  Tues., Dec. 19th at 2:15 pm
WHY:  To enjoy some musical genius in a festive way!

For those parents who are NOT able to attend our Christmas Performance tomorrow, I will do my best to video tape it and post it on my blog.  I will speak to our IT Tech and see what I can do!

MATH:  MATH test will be held on Wednesday this week.  With the absenteeism so high last week, I'll need another day of review to catch up some students.  I'll send home your child's blue Math duo tang for review.

WOW test:  Yes, there IS a WOW test on Friday, but I PROMISE never to give another WOW test for the rest of this year!  (That is, for the year 2017!)

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  Looking at the graph below, how many more students chose

Thursday 14 December 2017

Hello Parents and Campers!

Yes, I DO love the 80s....

In Math this whole week, we have been working on a short unit on Data Management.  Most of this unit is review from grades 1 and 2, however, the way in which one is expected to interpret the data is more sophisticated. These are the expectations for this unit...

Data Management Expectations for this Unit:
  1. Collect data by conducting a simple survey about themselves, their environment, issues in their school or community, or content from another subject\
  2. Collect and organize categorical or discrete primary data and display the data in charts, tables, and graphs (including vertical and horizontal bar graphs), with appropriate titles and labels and with labels ordered appropriately along horizontal axes, as needed, using many-to-one correspon- dence (e.g., in a pictograph, one car sticker represents 3 cars; on a bar graph, one square represents 2 students) (Sample problem: Graph data related to the eye colour of students in the class, using a vertical bar graph. Why does the scale on the vertical axis include values that are not in the set of data?).
  3. Read primary data presented in charts, tables, and graphs (including vertical and horizontal bar graphs), then describe the data using comparative language, and describe the shape of the data
  4. Interpret and draw conclusions from data presented in charts, tables, and graphs
  5. Demonstrate an understanding of mode (e.g.,“The mode is the value that shows up most often on a graph.”), and identify the mode in a set of data

I plan to assess this unit prior to the Christmas break.  Typically this unit takes 2 weeks, so we are right on task.  I will likely assess on Wednesday of next week with a review Monday and Tuesday.  Don't feel badly for your child, though!  There will be MANY fun activities planned for the season as well!

      Yes, indeed, we plan to WOW you with our amazing recorder skills by inviting parents and grandparents to our class on Tuesday, December 19th at 2:15 in Mrs. Wilson's Classroom Room 119.  I understand that this is during the work day, however, if you are able to attend, please do!  It is going to be a relatively short performance of 2 Christmas songs; Jingle Bells and Ode to Joy.  My camp is joining up with Mrs. DeCarolis' grade 3s.  We will will also be singing a couple of Christmas songs as well for the festive season!  So, come on out if you can (I've explained to students that not all parents are able to attend because of work) and enjoy some musical mastery before the holidays!
Sign in at the office and meet us in our classroom at 2:10.  Performance begins promptly at 2:15!

As a Christmas gift from me to my AMAZING campers, I would like to treat my camp to a pasta lunch on the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL next Friday, December 22nd at 12:00 in our classroom.  This is a very warm and fuzzy time where I get to set up our camp to sit at ONE, BIG, LONG table where we can eat all together as a camp family and enjoy our final meal together for the year 2017!  You will only need to send your child to school with usual morning and afternoon snacks and a drink. I will provide the pasta, buns, plates, napkins and cutlery.  I will be posting a reminder next week as well!

That's all for now

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What song was in the movie The Star that was also one of our Songs of the Week?

Monday 11 December 2017

Hello Parents and Campers!

Image result for images of the jesse treeA HUGE thank you must go out to all of you parents and campers who donated an INCREDIBLE amount of cans last week for our AM800 Cans for a Cause hike to the mall!  All of my campers showed determination and grit as they packed their back packs FULL and walked down to the make this incredible donation of over 400 cans between the 2 grade three classes!  Well done, everyone!  It's a win win for everyone!  Great way to start off our Advent season!

Also, my campers did an AMAZING job on Friday in our Advent Mass with the Jesse Tree!  Readers did a fantastic job and the bulb carriers handled dressing up the Jesse Tree beautifully!  I am very proud of my campers!  I am SO proud of everyone!

WEDNESDAY, DEC. 13th:  We will be traveling to Lakeshore Cinemas to enjoy a beautiful Christmas movie titled The Star where a small but brave donkey and his animal friends become the unsung heroes of the first Christmas.  We are all looking forward to this fun outing!  Please, those of you who have not yet returned signed permission forms with $, do so ASAP.  Thank you!

This will be our last week of homework assigned before the Christmas break.  Next week, there will be no homework!  So, buckle down this week and we will have a bit of a break next week!  Check your child's agenda for daily homework. It will be a mix of Math and Social Studies.

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the name of the highest note in Jingle Bells?

Thursday 7 December 2017

HOLY MACKEREL!!  I cannot believe the number of cans our campers are continuing to bring in to donate!  I am FLABBERGASTED at the show of support, parents and campers!  Thank you for your generosity!  I am proud to say that our current total FAR exceeds our goal of 180.....are you ready.....drum roll please......217 CANS! 
      Boy oh boy are the folks at St. Vincent de Paul ever going to be surprised and grateful when they see how packed our back packs are tomorrow!

Thank you very much parents!

ADVENT MASS:  Students have been doing a great job of practising for the Mass tomorrow at 1:30 in our gym.  All are welcome!
Students are encouraged to wear something a little extra special for our mass.  Thank you!

Counsellor Wilson

Secret Question:  Who is our first reader in our Advent Mass?

Tuesday 5 December 2017

          I have decided to give our Math test on Calendar/Time/Temperature tomorrow so as to give students enough time to work through some word problems we did today. (Also, we have been using some class time to prepare for our Mass). Please go over these two problems tonight as a final review for tomorrow.  Thank you!

Also, our class count is at 65 cans and there are still quite a few students who say are going to bring in a few cans!  Thank you to those who have brought in BAGS of cans already!  We are very appreciative!  We have to make this walk a challenge by bringing in enough cans for us all to carry!  Thanks again for your support in this!

FYI - Today a permission form is coming home for our walk on Friday.  No money required.  Just fill out all of the starred blanks on the permission form and return tomorrow.  Tomorrow, ANOTHER permission form will be sent home, and that one is for the Christmas Movie:  Animation of the First Christmas that we are going to be seeing next week.  The cost of that is $14.00.  I will send that one out tomorrow.

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  How often does a leap year occur? 

Monday 4 December 2017

Image result for images of reminderParents!

If you plan on accompanying our class on our TREK to the Mall for Cans for a Cause Friday, please let me know in your child's agenda.  A quick note just to say 'I will be attending the walk to Cans for a Cause Friday' would be great!  Permission forms to go home tomorrow!

Image result for images of st vincent de paul societyCounsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What amazing organization are all of the cans that we are collecting going for?

Saturday 2 December 2017

HAPPY DECEMBER, Campers and Parents!
First of all, I want to acknowledge 2 very special campers who won STUDENT OF THE MONTH for November.  Congratulations Chelsea and Christy for demonstrating outstanding LEADERSHIP qualities!  You deserve this recognition for the leadership your have shown in all areas from academic to behaviour!  I am very proud of you both!

This week...

Image result for images of St. Vincent de paul society windsor ontario
Keep the cans coming!  I am so proud of my campers and how giving everyone has been!  We are trying to fill each of our back packs as a goal...let's see if we can do it!  All parents interested in walking to the mall with us, are welcome.  Meet in our classroom at 9:40!
Image result for images of non perishablesOur Motto:
We CAN do it!

Math- Test on Tuesday

Recorder Test:  I will be assessing students on Thursday (Friday is simply too busy).  They can choose any of the songs we have been practising. Good luck!
Students will be assessed on...

    Related image
  •  Correct posture (sitting up straight, edge of the seat, tapping foot slightly forward
  • Hand grip (left hand on top, right hand on bottom)
  • Keeping time correctly
  • Reading the notes correctly
I look forward to seeing great progress this week from campers! Practise away!

Image result for images of the jesse treeADVENT MASS:  Friday at 1:30 in the school gym.  Grades 2F and 3W will be putting the Advent Mass for our school.  Those campers who volunteered for a reading part, have a copy in the front pocket of their agenda to practise.  Students MUST practise their readings.  Parents, please assist where needed.  We will also have two practises this week.  Thank you!

So, as you can see, it's a busy week!  I will keep you posted of anything else that might come up during the week!

Ciao for now,

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the signal students use during a number talk to show that they have solved the equation?