Reminder that tomorrow, the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL THIS 2017 YEAR, campers will be treated to a pasta luncheon! Only send your child with a morning and afternoon snack - Lunch is on me! I look forward to sitting down as a camp for meal together!
- Pasta lunch begins promptly at 12:00.
- Student of the Month Assembly in the gym at 10:30. Focus is Christian Living.
- Students CAN bring in a their favourite board games to play with their peers. No electronics, please. Good o'l fashioned board games where conversation and cooperation are a must!
- I will be sending home any an all extra clothing/containers/etc found in your child's desk/locker so don't be surprised if a younger sibling suddenly reappears! Kidding, it's a good thing to start the new year on a fresh, clean slate!
- I am sending home their Math assessment on Data Management tonight. Please return signed tomorrow.
That's about all for now!
Counsellor Wilson
SECRET QUESTION: What is the 5th number of the 3 timetables?