Thursday 21 December 2017

Congratulations to all the grade three students for an amazing job at our short but sweet recorder performance Tuesday!  I think everyone enjoyed themselves and it was a great way to get into the Christmas spirit!  Next term, we will be learning an assortment of compositions by Beethoven, Bach and Mozart....KIDDING!!  Or, am I....

Reminder that tomorrow, the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL THIS 2017 YEAR, campers will be treated to a pasta luncheon!  Only send your child with a morning and afternoon snack - Lunch is on me!  I look forward to sitting down as a camp for meal together!

  • Pasta lunch begins promptly at 12:00.
  • Student of the Month Assembly in the gym at 10:30.  Focus is Christian Living.
  • Students CAN bring in a their favourite board games to play with their peers.  No electronics, please. Good o'l fashioned board games where conversation and cooperation are a must!
  • I will be sending home any an all extra clothing/containers/etc found in your child's desk/locker so don't be surprised if a younger sibling suddenly reappears!  Kidding, it's a good thing to start the new year on a fresh, clean slate!
  • I am sending home their Math assessment on Data Management tonight.  Please return signed tomorrow.  

That's about all for now!  

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the 5th number of the 3 timetables?