WHO: Parents and students in 3W and 3D
WHERE: St. Christopher, Room 119

WHEN: Tues., Dec. 19th at 2:15 pm
WHY: To enjoy some musical genius in a festive way!
For those parents who are NOT able to attend our Christmas Performance tomorrow, I will do my best to video tape it and post it on my blog. I will speak to our IT Tech and see what I can do!
MATH: MATH test will be held on Wednesday this week. With the absenteeism so high last week, I'll need another day of review to catch up some students. I'll send home your child's blue Math duo tang for review.
WOW test: Yes, there IS a WOW test on Friday, but I PROMISE never to give another WOW test for the rest of this year! (That is, for the year 2017!)
Counsellor Wilson
SECRET QUESTION: Looking at the graph below, how many more students chose