Friday 22 December 2017

Happy Christmas Break Parents and Campers!
      I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of the parents and campers who spoiled me with thougthful gifts this week!  I am truly blessed to have a such a wonderful group of campers!  Your generosity was overwhelming....thank you all!

Student of the Month: Congratulations to Rahim Gaitan for earning the Student of the Month for Christian Living!  Rahim demonstrates kindness, compassion and respect for all of his peers on a daily basis.  We can all learn a few things from Rahim and how he treats others! Well done, Rahim!

Christmas Performance: Stay tuned...still trying.... Thank you to all of the parents and relatives who were able to come out and enjoy some Christmas cheer this past week!

Counsellor Wilson
Image result for images of merry christmas and happy new year