Friday 29 September 2017

Great Week Campers and Parents!

Today, students worked hard in Math, had a Language quiz on Sentences, did their WOW test and participated on our Terry Fox Walk around the school!  What a great day!

Parents, please take time this weekend to go through your child's Math duo tang to either complete pages or make corrections.  I have put stickies on the pages that need work.  Please return Monday for review and I hope to give our unit test on Tuesday.

WOW tests and Language quizzes will be sent home Monday for your review and signatures.  

Have a great weekend everyone!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION: What is 573 in expanded form?

Thursday 28 September 2017

Quick mentions...

I realize that many students DID NOT take home their yellow language duo tangs for review.  I will make sure they get them tonight for tomorrow's quiz.  Nothing new on this quiz, just maintaining prior learning with weekly quizzes.  Students will be asked to come up with each type of sentence by looking at a picture.  Nouns and the 2 types of nouns will also be included.  

Reminder - Wow test tomorrow.  Please make sure your child writes his/her errors 10 each at the BACK OF THE BOOK in neat columns.  Sometimes students are marked correctly for spelling but are told to write the word 10 times, this is due to letters printed incorrectly.  (Usually the Pp, Yy, Gg, Kk, and Tt.  Students are expected to print a PROPER NOUN with an uppercase letter and COMMON NOUNS with a lowercase letter.  I explained to students that in order to do CURSIVE this year, they have to know how to print properly.  They are all very excited to start cursive!

On another note...I learned from another blogging colleague yesterday, that blog posts IMMEDIATELY post to our school website.  NO DELAY!  So if you go through our school website and click on staff then on my name, you will be connected to my blog.  So, in the case where you think I may have posted but you haven't received any notification in your email, you can always check the school website! 

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  How many digits are in the number 398?

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Dear Parents,

Ok, back online again, and I DO understand that sometimes my posts are not getting to some of you until 24 hours later.  I don't know why that sometimes happens, but it's ok, I'll try to stay ahead of the ball with posts.

This week, we will be wrapping up our first big unit in Math in Number Sense.  I will be formally assessing students next week on Tuesday.  I usually allow for 2 days of review before any test by sending home the duo tang work for review.  Since I am testing on Tuesday, I will send home the math books this weekend for review and on Monday night.  I also do a whole class review the day before in Tic Tac Toe format (it's fun) so students are more than prepared.  My suggestion for you at home is to look over the errors that your child made throughout the unit and make all necessary corrections.

Must knows:

  • Words that mean addition / subtraction
  • How to represent numbers is many ways; in words to 100 (spelling counts), base ten name, in base ten pictures, place value, standard form and expanded form.
  • <, >, or =
  • rounding numbers to nearest 10 and nearest 100
  • related facts
  • missing numbers in equations
  • addition and subtraction of single, two-digit and three digit numbers with and without regrouping
  • how to solve addition and subtraction word problems
  • identifying the number of digits in a number.  Ex. 369 has 3 

Language Quiz:

This week, the language quiz will again be on writing the four types of sentences and identifying nouns and proper nouns. Nothing new. Just reinforcing prior learning!  Language duo tangs will be sent home for review tonight and tomorrow.  

Parents, please try to get your child into the habit of packing his/her OWN BACKPACK each night or each morning so that they are responsible for their own materials returning to school each day.  By all means, you can assist by making sure they have done this prior to leaving for school, but please put the expectation on THEM  to actually do it.  I absolutely NEED Math/Language/Science duo tangs everyday for instruction and work.  I place the responsibility on my campers to come to school everyday prepared despite the many times they try to blame you, yes YOU, the, right?  

Thank you!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What do we call the answer to a subtraction question?

Friday 22 September 2017

Hello Parents and Campers!  Weird, huh, how I am at school on this lovely Friday, but my campers are NOT!

Well, I'll share a little bit about the start to MY Friday... I just enjoyed a wonderful morning with my colleagues all over the city today at the WFCU as we came together for the morning to celebrate the eucharist at our annual Together in Faith Day.  Following Mass, we listened to our guest speaker was David Wells, from the Diocese of Plymouth, England.  This man was an incredible speaker with a great sense of humour who was able to capture the attention of over 2000 teachers and deliver a very powerful and humbling talk.  I left there feeling blessed to be a teacher and humbled by my critical role in your child's life.  I pray that God guides me as I guide your children this year.  I hope to inspire them to be believe that they are intelligent, kind, compassionate and very capable little people who will one day make this world an even better place!  My first and foremost goal is to ensure that your child WANTS to come to school.  All of the rest will fall into place if we can first get your child to develop a love of learning!

Ok, to recap this week...
 Students had their first Language Quiz Friday.  Students can expect to have short quizzes on most Fridays to review concepts and learning that week.   I will be sending home your child's quiz Monday for you to review, sign and return on Tuesday.  Great job everyone!

Spelling tests will also be sent home Monday to you to sign and return Tuesday.  Please make sure your child write the errors 10 each at the BACK of the Spelling book.

More to come next week!  Enjoy this beautiful weekend!

Counsellor Wilson

What subtraction sentence can you make with these related facts;   6, 8, 14?

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Heads up Parents,

Tonight your child is coming home with two subjects duo tangs; Math and Language. Students are expected complete pg 30 in Math PLUS any tagged pages with errors.  Language - is for review on the four types of sentences and nouns.  Please correct any tagged pages as well.  Return BOTH tomorrow.  Thank you!

Counsellor Wilson

SQ:  Which structure is more stable; a tall or a short structure?

Sunday 17 September 2017

Image result for images of welcome to our camp clip artWelcome Ghena to our Camp!  We will all help you get settled into our amazing, grade 3 cabin!

This week will be a short week, since Friday is a Professional Development Day for staff only. So, no school for students.  Enjoy your early weekend.  
Image result for images of no school this friday

The Spelling Test to be this Thursday in lieu of Friday.

Image result for images of I need your helpA couple of items...

Please, have your child here promptly at 8:45 early entry.  This allows them to get settled and prepared for the start of the school day.  I post Morning Tasks to help students develop organizational skills and independence, so please make every effort to have your child at school on time.  Arriving at 9:00 am does not give your child enough time to get organized for the day.  Thank you for your support in this!

Image result for images of 8:45
Also, on this note, if you need to remove your child for appointments or other valid reasons, please try to arrange to pick up your child during or just before a natural break during the day.  For example, morning recess 11:04, Lunch 12:00, or last recess 2:35 would be the best times so as not to interrupt student learning.  I teach until 3:20 everyday.  This final period is when I teach one of  the 10+ subjects I am responsible for covering in this very busy grade three year! So every period is important.  I will send home any and all missed work to be completed by next day. As you can see, I REALLY want your child for the WHOLE day, there is just SO much to learn!  Thank you parents!

Finally, I am hoping all students have indoor gym shoes (to remain at school for the year) and a pair of headphones/earphones for computer class.  If you have not yet purchased these items, please do at your earliest convenience. Thank you again!

I know this is alot, but thank you for supporting what I do here with your child!  Your support is critical in making this year a positive and successful year!
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That's all for now,

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the reading comprehension skill we are learning that involves picturing in your head?  

Friday 15 September 2017


Here is the curriculum focus for Term One based on the Gr. 3 Ontario Curriculum documents.  To view the whole year, please click on the link to the right titled Grade 3 Curriculum to see in detail what your child will be learning this year!

Reading:  Making Connections:  Text to Self:  We are learning how to extend our  understanding of texts by connecting the ideas in them to our own knowledge and experience, to other familiar texts, and to the world around us.  We are reading and analyzing a variety of texts both fiction and non-fiction in small guided reading groups.  Finally, we are identifying the key features of Fiction (Character, Setting Problem and Solution) and Non-Fiction (Facts and information, subtitles, index, glossary, subtitles, photographs, etc).
Writing: We are learning about writing the 4 types of sentences:  Statements (Declarative), Commands (Imperative), Questions (Interrogative) and Exclamatory.  Also, we have covered nouns both proper and common.  Students are expected to be able to identify, write and correctly punctuate each of those types of sentences and use it in their daily writing.

Author's Purpose: Identify a variety of purposes for reading:  Easy as PIE:  Persuade / Information / Entertainment

Math: Number Sense and Numeration

  • identify and represent the value of a digit in a number according to its position in the number (e.g., use base ten materials to show that the 3 in 324 represents 3 hundreds); 
  • represent, compare, and order whole numbers to 1000, using a variety of tools (e.g., base ten materials or drawings of them, number lines with increments of 100 or other appropriate amounts); 
  • compose and decompose three-digit numbers into hundreds, tens, and ones in a variety of ways, using concrete materials (e.g., use base ten materials to decompose 327 into 3 hundreds, 2 tens, and 7 ones, or into 2 hundreds, 12 tens, and 7 ones); 
  • round two-digit numbers to the nearest ten, in problems arising from real-life situations; 
  • solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of two and three-digit numbers, using a variety of mental strategies
  • add and subtract two and three-digit numbers
  • use estimation when solving problems involving addition and subtraction, to help judge the reasonableness of a solution; 

Religion: We are learning about the Holy Spirit and developing an understanding of the three parts that make up God; The father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Also, we will be learning about the fruits of the Holy  Spirit; Love, Joy, Peace, Kindness, Patience, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control and how we can put these fruits into action in our daily lives.

Visual Arts:  We are learning about the elements of design:
  • line: variety of line (e.g., thick, thin, dotted)
  • shape and form: composite shapes; symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes and forms in both the human-made environment and the natural world
  • space: foreground, middle ground, and background to give illusion of depth
  • colour: colour for expression (e.g., warm and cool colours); colour to indicate emotion; mixing of
    colours with white to make a range of warm and cool tints
  • texture: real versus visual or illusory texture
  • value: mixing a range of light colours and dark colours

    Science:  Strong and Stable Structures:
  • assess the importance of form, function, strength, and stability in structures through time;
  • investigate strong and stable structures to determine how their design and materials enable
    them to perform their load-bearing function;
  • demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of structurestrength, and stability and the factors that affect them. 

    Health:  We will learn about the origins of foods, its nutritional value and environmental impact.  Identify foods that are processed and unprocessed and how to make healthy eating choices everyday.  We will learn how to use self-awareness and self-monitoring skills to help us understand our strengths and needs, take responsibility for our actions, recognize sources of stress, and monitor our own progress, as we participate in physical activities, develop movement competence, and acquire knowledge and skills related to healthy living.

Social Studies:  First Nations and Early Settlers:  Student will compare ways of life amoung some specific groups in Canada around the beginning of the nineteenth century, and describe some of the changes between that era and the present dayinvestigate some of the major challenges that different groups and communities faced in Canada from around 1780 to 1850, and key measures taken to address these challenges. 

I will continue to add new information as we learn it to keep you posted of our daily learning.  I hope this helps you initiate some great conversations with your child now that you can ask specific questions about the above learning goals!

Here's to a great Friday!  I will be sending home their spelling books for you to sign either today or Monday.   Please make sure your child writes out his / her errors 10 each at the BACK of the spelling test booklet.  Return promptly Monday.  Thank you!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What do we call the organization tool we use when comparing the similarities and differences between two things?

Thursday 14 September 2017

 Reminder!  Tonight is the MEET THE TEACHER in room 119 in the north side of the school down the hall from the library/computer room.  It begins at 5:30 and ends at 6:30.  I look forward to meeting all of you!

On another note, today the grade 3s were invited to sign up for our St. Christopher Cross Country team! I spoke with the grade threes and encouraged ALL to at least attend the meeting to learn about what it is before they decide if they would like to join or not.  This is the first school team that is open to Gr. 3s, so it's a great opportunity!

WEEKENDS:   As a general rule, I do not send homework home on weekends, as I believe it's time to spend with your family.  However, if a student is falling behind in his/her work, I may send up catch up work with your child.  Another reason why a duo tang might come home on the weekends, would be to review for an upcoming test the following week.  Otherwise, you can expect no homework on weekends.  Yay!

That's all for now!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the value of the 7 in the number 172?

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Hi Parents!

Just wanted to share...

Please ask your child about gym class today.  It was an interesting 45 minutes indeed!

   My philosophy in physical education is to assess students on not only the skills and development of fine and gross motor movements, but to develop and foster an attitude of positive play. This includes playing to the best of one's ability at all times, participating actively in all areas of play while demonstrating respect for the rules, for their peers and for figures of authority.  I expect active participation in all subject areas and that is non-negotiable.  This was an eye opener for some.  I encourage  you to have a conversation with your child about what they learned in our gym class today.  Fortunately, the one group that struggled to get along, DID pull it together and work it out in the end to play as a team.   I'm looking forward to a more positive effort by all next week!

How does one earn a level 4 in gym?  Ask your child... we talked about this after recess!

Thanks for your support!  This is a team effort between school and home indeed!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What sport did we play today in gym?

Welcome to Week 2!

Sorry about the one day delay in updating the homework....have to get back into Camp life, I guess! This week's homework will be daily Math, so please check carefully in your child's agenda, which pages are to be completed for the next day.  This is one incredibly HUGE first unit, so there is much to cover!

So, now that we all have our WOW words (Words of the Week), go ahead and study each night in preparation for this Friday's first WOW test.

This Thursday night at 5:30 - 6:30  St. Christopher is hosting a "MEET THE TEACHER"  evening from 5:30 - 6:30 pm.  It's a very informal, walk-through to meet MOI, your child's Camp Counsellor this year and check out where your child spends most of their days!  So, come on out and check out Camp Wilson this Thursday!  I'm excited to meet the ones credited with raising an amazing group of campers!

Yesterday, the office had to make some changes to class lists due to the various needs in several classrooms.  As a result, we are sad to say good-bye to one of our campers, Yna, and our camp Counsellor Mrs. Fuerth.  Even though we won't have them in our camp, we wish them all the best in their new classrooms and hope to see them often outside and in our halls!

That's all for now, I will be sending out a curriculum update by the end of this week!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  Name one way to represent a number?

Friday 8 September 2017

Congratulations, everyone, we MADE IT to Friday!

What a terrific start to Grade 3 in Camp Wilson!

At the beginning of this week, the campers and I created a list of success criteria in order to have a successful first week in grade three.  I told all the campers that I would be giving them a Mini Progress Report Friday based on the criteria we created.  So, be on the look out your child's First Week Progress Reports tonight in the agenda!  It will give a good idea on what a great job your child has done so far and what areas can be improved!

Have a terrific Weekend!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What special thing do we do EVERY FRIDAY?

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Image result for images of excited babies
Hello Parents!
         This is exactly how I felt when I saw how many parents answered the Secret Question in the agendas!!  Yay parents!  That means you are online and reading my blog, which makes me very happy, as well as your child who is earning blog draw tickets!

     Well, your child has had a terrific start so far in grade 3!  I hope they are telling you at least 5 specific things about their school day EVERY NIGHT! (Ask about our Song of the Week!) This is an important part of learning how to recall information and communicate it clearly.

Image result for images of thank you      It turns out that the cost of the agendas this year is only $2.00!  Please send in a toonie at your earliest convenience.  I'm hoping to have all the money collected by Friday!  Thank you in advance!

Also, thank you to those of you who have already sent in the red pens and duo tangs!  There are a few campers left to bring in a pair of INDOOR ONLY shoes to be kept at school and used for gym.  Thank you!

Take Home Reading Pouch
You have probably already noticed a black pouch in your child's back pack. This is their take home reading pouch that contains 2 books from my classroom library.  Your child is expected to read for about 15-20 every night from these books.  If you have other books at home, of course, that is also acceptable.  ANY READING is good reading!  Your child knows to return the books for exchange any time they are ready.  I expect it about every few days or so if they are reading every night.

Image result for images of spelling tests
This week, we are determining each camper's first 10 WOW words for next Friday's first spelling test.  Monday, all campers will receive their 10 words in the agenda.  Every student will have their own unique 10 words to review/learn.  Please have your child review during the week.


  • do practise tests and write the errors out 10x each
  • recite the spelling orally
  • practise during commercials on TV, driving in the car, or whenever you get a few spare minutes

Remember, spelling is assessed based on the correct spelling of words in your child's everyday writing, not on solely the spelling tests.  This is, however, a great way to learn!

Ok, that's about all for now...I'm super excited about getting to know your child! This truly is a great group of campers!

Over and out for now,
Counsellor Wilson

Image result for images of school computer labsSECRET QUESTION:  Where did we go today for the first time?