Tuesday 12 September 2017

Welcome to Week 2!

Sorry about the one day delay in updating the homework....have to get back into Camp life, I guess! This week's homework will be daily Math, so please check carefully in your child's agenda, which pages are to be completed for the next day.  This is one incredibly HUGE first unit, so there is much to cover!

So, now that we all have our WOW words (Words of the Week), go ahead and study each night in preparation for this Friday's first WOW test.

This Thursday night at 5:30 - 6:30  St. Christopher is hosting a "MEET THE TEACHER"  evening from 5:30 - 6:30 pm.  It's a very informal, walk-through to meet MOI, your child's Camp Counsellor this year and check out where your child spends most of their days!  So, come on out and check out Camp Wilson this Thursday!  I'm excited to meet the ones credited with raising an amazing group of campers!

Yesterday, the office had to make some changes to class lists due to the various needs in several classrooms.  As a result, we are sad to say good-bye to one of our campers, Yna, and our camp Counsellor Mrs. Fuerth.  Even though we won't have them in our camp, we wish them all the best in their new classrooms and hope to see them often outside and in our halls!

That's all for now, I will be sending out a curriculum update by the end of this week!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  Name one way to represent a number?