Wednesday 27 September 2017

Dear Parents,

Ok, back online again, and I DO understand that sometimes my posts are not getting to some of you until 24 hours later.  I don't know why that sometimes happens, but it's ok, I'll try to stay ahead of the ball with posts.

This week, we will be wrapping up our first big unit in Math in Number Sense.  I will be formally assessing students next week on Tuesday.  I usually allow for 2 days of review before any test by sending home the duo tang work for review.  Since I am testing on Tuesday, I will send home the math books this weekend for review and on Monday night.  I also do a whole class review the day before in Tic Tac Toe format (it's fun) so students are more than prepared.  My suggestion for you at home is to look over the errors that your child made throughout the unit and make all necessary corrections.

Must knows:

  • Words that mean addition / subtraction
  • How to represent numbers is many ways; in words to 100 (spelling counts), base ten name, in base ten pictures, place value, standard form and expanded form.
  • <, >, or =
  • rounding numbers to nearest 10 and nearest 100
  • related facts
  • missing numbers in equations
  • addition and subtraction of single, two-digit and three digit numbers with and without regrouping
  • how to solve addition and subtraction word problems
  • identifying the number of digits in a number.  Ex. 369 has 3 

Language Quiz:

This week, the language quiz will again be on writing the four types of sentences and identifying nouns and proper nouns. Nothing new. Just reinforcing prior learning!  Language duo tangs will be sent home for review tonight and tomorrow.  

Parents, please try to get your child into the habit of packing his/her OWN BACKPACK each night or each morning so that they are responsible for their own materials returning to school each day.  By all means, you can assist by making sure they have done this prior to leaving for school, but please put the expectation on THEM  to actually do it.  I absolutely NEED Math/Language/Science duo tangs everyday for instruction and work.  I place the responsibility on my campers to come to school everyday prepared despite the many times they try to blame you, yes YOU, the, right?  

Thank you!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What do we call the answer to a subtraction question?