Friday 29 June 2018

Well, parents and campers, we did it!  You have survived Camp Wilson!  I am so proud of the progress you all have made!  I will miss this great group of campers and wish everyone a super duper family-filled summer vacation!

Now, it's time to end our lovely blogging need to unsubscribe to my blog by clicking the UNSUBSCRIBE NOW link at the bottom of this post.  That way, you will no longer receive any more posts to your email from yours truly!  Thank you for all of you who diligently read and followed this blog!

Parents, I will miss your children and I will also miss you!  You have been very supportive to my efforts and I cannot express what that means to a teacher!  Cheers to another successful year!  Good luck with your little people in the junior division!

This is Counsellor Wilson, signing off one final time!

Counsellor Wilson

Wednesday 27 June 2018

Parents!  I desperately need your help!  My personal library has diminished to about 1/2 the size it was in September!  Please ask your child ...

1.  If they have returned their independent reading black take home pouch AND books yet

2.  If they have ANY of my personal books laying around the house.

It's fine that books were borrowed, that's what they are there for, however, I would appreciate it if you and your child could take another look around for any misplaced books.  Thank you!  Last chance tomorrow to replenish my book baskets...thank you!

REPORT CARDS:  I am still waiting on 5 more report cards to be returned signed.  Please make sure you cut off the bottom portion and sign and return it by tomorrow.  We need our OSRs to be completed by end of year.

Thank you! 

I hope you all had a chance to do a quick check on the End of the Year CDs I sent home Monday to ensure all of the songs were burned properly!  I haven't heard from anyone yet, so I am hoping that no news is good news!  Enjoy the memories!

Here's to a rainy, second last day of school!  Wish us luck as we compete in our annual Spelling Bee today!

Counsellor Wilson

Monday 25 June 2018

Student of the Year!

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Congratulations to,,,,,Christy Sera who earned STUDENT OF THE YEAR!  She has demonstrated perseverance in all subject areas, a positive attitude towards school and learning and the willingness to take the steps necessary to bump up her work with teacher feed back! Christy has proven that hard work and determination can equal success!  Congratulations Christy!  We are all very proud of you in Camp Wilson!

Related imageParents,
Reminder - if you wish to discuss your child's report card, please indicate so by checking off the box that states:  I wish to discuss the report.   If you are good to go, check off the box that says: I have received this report.

Thank you!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  I have 2 right and 2 acute angles.  I have all equal sides.  I am a member of the quadrilateral family.  I have 4 vertices and 2 sides.  I have 2 pairs of parallel sides, therefore I am a parallelogram as well.  What am I?

Sunday 24 June 2018

Image result for images of europe the bandI can't believe it's time to say...

It's the final countdown!

For those of you who don't know the band Europe...well, I guess you weren't a teenager in the 80's!  Maybe I'm dating myself by putting up a link to one of the best all time songs of the 80s, but it was just so fitting for the beginning of our FINAL week of Camp Wilson!
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This week...

If you plan on taking your child out of school early or if you plan to miss any days this week, PLEASE let me know with a note.  I have a special something for each student for an end-of-the-year gift and I don't want them leaving this year without it!  Thank you!


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Monday - Report Cards go home.  If you have any questions or concerns about the report card, please let me know by Tuesday on the bottom portion of the report card. There is a spot to check off if you wish to discuss the report card.  All parents, please sign and return the bottom portion only of the report card by Tuesday if possible. You can keep the envelop. Thank you in advance!
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Tuesday - Board Game Day (We created our own board games and now we get to play them!)
Image result for images of spelling bee 2018

Wednesday - 2018 Annual Spelling Bee Contest

Thursday - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL, All Summer Birthdays are celebrated today!

How's that for the a fun final week?  I will be having students clean out their desks and lockers so I want to warn you in

More to come later!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  Name another GREAT BAND of the 80s.

Wednesday 20 June 2018

FUN DAY was a blast!  Students got to enjoy the entire day outside playing all kinds of water games and join in races!  Pictures are posted on the St. Christopher website!  Enjoy!

Friday, June 22 - School wide end-of-the-year Mass in our school gym at 1:30 pm.  Student of the Month assembly will follow after mass.  Students who win this month's award will be recognized for Student of the Year, demonstrating an overall successful year in grade 3.

This week will be our final week of WOW words.  We are holding a Spelling Bee against the other 2 grade 3 classes next week!  We are hoping Camp Wilson prevails as this year's Spelling Bee Champions!  A trophy will be awarded to the winners....good luck everyone!

That's all for now!

Counsellor Wilson

FINAL SECRET QUESTION:  What spelling word stumped Mrs. Wilson's class last year in the spelling bee?

Monday 18 June 2018

Poetry Cafe Pics

Image result for images of successPoetry Cafe was a HUGE success thanks to the hard work of my little campers and supportive parents and grandparents!  The plates of delicious treats were amazing  - thank you for all of your generosity!  I LOVED this poetry unit and I am thrilled that students have taken such an interest in it!  I can't wait to see what the future brings for these campers!  Enjoy the pictures below!

REMINDER:  Fun Day tomorrow!  Wear sunblock, hat and bring a water bottle with your child's name labelled on it clearly.  Also, pack the usual lunch and snacks.

Counsellor Wilson