1. If they have returned their independent reading black take home pouch AND books yet
2. If they have ANY of my personal books laying around the house.
It's fine that books were borrowed, that's what they are there for, however, I would appreciate it if you and your child could take another look around for any misplaced books. Thank you! Last chance tomorrow to replenish my book baskets...thank you!

REPORT CARDS: I am still waiting on 5 more report cards to be returned signed. Please make sure you cut off the bottom portion and sign and return it by tomorrow. We need our OSRs to be completed by end of year.
Thank you!
I hope you all had a chance to do a quick check on the End of the Year CDs I sent home Monday to ensure all of the songs were burned properly! I haven't heard from anyone yet, so I am hoping that no news is good news! Enjoy the memories!
Here's to a rainy, second last day of school! Wish us luck as we compete in our annual Spelling Bee today!
Counsellor Wilson