As we head into our final month of grade 3, here is what we have to look forward to...
POETRY CAFE! Yes, this amazing group of campers has blown my mind with their poetry performances, so much so that I have agreed to embark upon our first ever, POETRY CAFE performance for you, the parents/grandparents! Monday afternoon, your child should deliver to you an invitation to this very special event! We have been working very hard since January learning all about the elements of poetry, and now here is our chance to showcase our talent! Please cut off and return the bottom portion of the invitation so we can plan.
WHERE: St. Christopher School in our Classroom
WHERE: St. Christopher School in our Classroom
WHEN: Friday, June 15 at 2:00 p.m.
WHO: Parents/Grandparents
WHAT: Poetry reading by YOURS TRULY!
WHY: To Celebrate the “Art of Poetry”!
Music Test: Continue only for those who did not test last week.
Math Test: This Wednesday on Probability. We will review this week on Monday and Tuesday.
Science Test: Soils: This Thursday in open-book format. Please review your Science duo tang Tues and Wed. evenings.

Wow Test: Thursday (no school Friday). We will also be taking our gloves off to compete against the other grade 3 classes in our end-of-the-year 5th Annual Spelling Bee! Yes, you heard it, 3W takes on the likes of 3D in a Spelling Bee contest based on the first 500 words of our spelling word lists! It's going to be epic! Let the games begin! Date and time soon to be announced.
That's good for now!
Counsellor Wilson
SECRET QUESTION: Look at the spinner above. What is the Probability of landing on red?