We've been super busy wrapping up our final units in science, math, music and language! Thank you to all the parents who are going to make it out to our Poetry Cafe next Friday! The R.S. V. P.s were amazing and many of you volunteered to bring in a yummy plate of treats to share - THANK YOU! (Please keep in mind our school is peanut/nut free when bringing in food to share)
So, next week, here is what to expect...
Friday, June 15th - Poetry Cafe @ 2:00 pm in our classroom, WOW test
Please ensure your child attends regularly next week as we will be VERY MUCH in full rehearsal and preparation mode for the big event on Friday! I am sooo excited! You will be amazed at the talent one camp can have!
That's good for now...

Counsellor Wilson
Secret Question: What is it called in when an inanimate object is given human qualities?
Ex. The cactus saluted those who drove past.