First of all, THANK YOU, to those gems who gifted our classroom with book fair books! I was very touched by the generosity of parents when I saw the books on my desk this morning! Thank you very much! I will happily add these books to my classroom library!
Next Week...
Monday - THRoW,
Tuesday - Math test on Money
Wednesday - Review Social Studies,
Thursday - Social Studies Test
Friday - WOW test, THRoW due
MATH: I will be sending home a MATH REVIEW for students to complete this weekend. This is a solid review of the skills and concepts needed for this unit AND will provide a sound review for our test on
SOCIAL STUDIES: Our unit on Land Regions in Ontario will be assessed on
Thursday next week. I will send home the green duo tangs for review on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Focus on:
- Identify the 3 land regions of Ontario
- Describe each of the 3 land regions
- Identify jobs that are available in each land region
- Identify features of each region
- Identify the 6 Uses of Land in Ontario; residential, commercial, agricultural, industrial, conservational, recreational
- Be able to answer which land region they would like to live in one day and explain why, what would they do there, what job would they have, what activities could they do, etc...
I am sending home a large ziplock bag labelled with your child's name on it. I have asked the grade 3s to bring in a bag of soil to investigate as a launch to our new science unit on Soil. This bag will be more than enough. All kinds of soil are encouraged and leave everything in it (crawlers, twigs, bugs, etc) to make it more interesting! Those who wish to bring in more, are welcome to do so, as long at they have permission to dig by parents! Please send in this soil sample by Thursday of next week so that we can begin our investigating! Thank you!
LANGUAGE: Student have just finished learning about how to write a journal. The assessment will be sent home early next week for you to review and sign.
That's all for now,

Counsellor Wilson
SECRET QUESTION: What resource in our classroom can be used to help you with your 5 x tables?