Monday 30 April 2018

Image result for images of happy mondayHappy Monday, everyone!

This week...

WednesdayQuiz on Quotation marks.  Please review in your Language duo tangs.

Image result for images of swim suit for kids clip artSwim to Survive logo 291

Thursday  - SWIM to SURVIVE 1 of 3 visits, parents are welcome to attend, however, must drive themselves.  Students are to go on the bus to and from the Windsor Aquatic Centre.

Students should bring:

  • bathing suit
  • towel
  • plastic bag for wet towel and suit afterwards
We will leave at 12:30 pm and return before 3:00 pm.  Regular dismissal for students.  For more information about this mandatory program, please click on the link below.

Swim to Survive Video

Friday - THRoW Due, WOW

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What standard unit of measure would you use to measure the distance between Windsor and Toronto, cm, m or km?

Friday 27 April 2018


Our Language quiz was postponed until next week as many students did not take home their duo tangs for review.  I will send them home next week for sure!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the 6 x 5?

Poetry Read-Off Winners

Congratulations to  DYLAN A. for winning the poetry read-off for "I'd Like to Ride a Seahorse"

Congratulations to ROAN N. for winning the poetry read off for
"Did THAT Just Happen?"  Enjoy below!

Poetry Read-off Winners

Congratulations to Julia L. and Jordyn S. for winning the poetry read off last week with their performances of the poem 'My Homework".  Enjoy below!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  Poets don't read poetry, they ______ it!

Thursday 26 April 2018

This Friday, I will be giving students a quiz on the use of quotation marks.  Please review your child's language duo tang tonight and tomorrow.

Counsellor Wilson

What punctuation is missing in the highlighted area to make this quotation correct?

"We are going to the zoo    " whispered Bob.

Wednesday 25 April 2018

Hello Parents and Campers....
Related image
Sorry, life has been keeping me extra busy lately...back to posting!

Math tests are coming home tonight to be reviewed and signed.  I took up the answers today in class, so your child should be more than able to explain how they could bump up a leveled question.

Our next unit will be in Measurement: Linear Measurement using standard units cm, m, and km.

This Friday is HAT DAY in support of Hospice.  Everyone wear your favourite hat!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is our Canadian standard unit of measuring length? (3 units of measure)

Friday 20 April 2018


Quick note...I am sending home the Math duo tangs for you to review.  I will also send the books home on Monday for a second night of review.  The test for Transformational Geometry will be on Tuesday.

Thank you for taking the time to go over your child's errors this weekend.
There were 4 students who did not get their books marked, I will do it on Monday.  Please go over as well.

Counsellor Wilson

Thursday 19 April 2018

Monday 16 April 2018

Good Morning!  Here's hoping to start the week with a little less rain and hopefully a little bit of sunshine!

This week's homework is THRoW reading response.  Please ask your child about how he/she can 'bump-up' their mark from the previous THRoW on Canadian Coins.  I have gone over in detail what a level 4 answer needs to look like.  To see the examples of a level 1, 2, 3 and 4 as marked by EQAO, click on this link:  Canadian Coins Levels.  
REMINDER:  This Friday is PJ Day and Movie Day as part of our Fund-raising incentives earned. 
Counsellor Wilson

Does soil contain living things,  non-living things or both?


Friday 13 April 2018

Dear Parents,
Tonight your child will be bringing home their Social Studies end of the unit test for you to sign and go over.  I must stress the importance of preparing properly for these unit tests.  Students who do practise tests, get quizzed by a parent, read and reread the information always perform better than those who do not.  That being said when I asked the camp to raise their hand if they studied or did any of the strategies mentioned above in preparation of this test, only 6 students raised their hands. This is troublesome for me.  I cannot spend more instructional time than I already do preparing students for a test.  I dedicate two 40-minute periods to a whole-class review in a game format (tic tac toe or train game) for every unit test.  That being said, if a student was engaged throughout the unit and participating actively, chances are, they would still achieve a level 2 or 3 even without studying.  I encourage you to support me in this challenge of instilling good study habits in your child. 

For those looking for suggestions, please click on the link below to get additional strategies on how best to encourage and develop good study habits in your child..

10 Good Study Habits For Students

MATH:  We have begun a new strand in Math: Geometry and Spatial Sense - Motion Geometry
Students will identify and describe the locations and movements of shapes and objects.  Specifically, they will learn ...
  • describe movement from one location to another using a grid map (e.g., to get from the swings to the sandbox, move three squares to the right and two squares down)
  • identify flips, slides, and turns, through investigation using concrete materials and physical motion, and name flips, slides, and turns as reflections, translations, and rotations (e.g., a slide to the right is a translation; a turn is a rotation)
  • complete and describe designs and pictures of images that have a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal line of symmetry (Sample problem: Draw the missing portion of the given butterfly on grid paper). 

SCIENCE:  We all enjoyed a very dirty, messy but fun investigation on what is found in a cup of soil yesterday!  Thank you everyone for your generous soil samples that you brought in!  It was enough to share with those campers who did not bring any.  We discovered MANY things found in soil such as living things, sticks, stones, leaves, vermiculite, roots and more!  Check our our pics below and enjoy!

Have a terrific weekend!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  On the number chart below, describe how to move from number 12 to number 37?
Write like this... 
____ squares _______,
____ squares _______

Wednesday 11 April 2018

Image result for images of hockey jerseys

JERSEY DAY tomorrow in support the families of the Humboldt Broncos Hockey Team

Image result for images of soil samples

SOIL SAMPLE DUE Thursday so we can begin investigating what is found in soil tomorrow.  Thanks for your help in getting those samples!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What number between 1 and 20 is a multiple of both 5 and 3?

Tuesday 10 April 2018

Related imageReminder:  Tomorrow is Electronics Day!  Students are allowed to bring in an electronic game or a board game to play in the afternoon as a reward earned during our fundraiser.

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What 3 coins could be exchanged for a 5 dollar bill?

Friday 6 April 2018

First of all, THANK YOU, to those gems who gifted our classroom with book fair books!  I was very touched by the generosity of parents when I saw the books on my desk this morning!  Thank you very much!  I will happily add these books to my classroom library!

Next Week...


Monday - THRoW, HAT DAY
Tuesday - Math test on Money
Wednesday - Review Social Studies, ELECTRONICS DAY
Thursday - Social Studies Test
Friday - WOW test, THRoW due

MATH:  I will be sending home a MATH REVIEW for students to complete this weekend.  This is a solid review of the skills and concepts needed for this unit AND will provide a sound review for our test on Tuesday.

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Our unit on Land Regions in Ontario will be assessed on Thursday next week. I will send home the green duo tangs for review on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Focus on:

  • Identify the 3 land regions of Ontario
  • Describe each of the 3 land regions
  • Identify jobs that are available in each land region
  • Identify features of each region
  • Identify the 6 Uses of Land in Ontario; residential, commercial, agricultural, industrial, conservational, recreational
  • Be able to answer which land region they would like to live in one day and explain why, what would they do there, what job would they have, what activities could they do, etc...

I am sending home a large ziplock bag labelled with your child's name on it.  I have asked the grade 3s to bring in a bag of soil to investigate as a launch to our new science unit on Soil.  This bag will be more than enough.  All kinds of soil are encouraged and leave everything in it (crawlers, twigs, bugs, etc) to make it more interesting!  Those who wish to bring in more, are welcome to do so, as long at they have permission to dig by parents!  Please send in this soil sample by Thursday of next week so that we can begin our investigating!  Thank you!

LANGUAGE: Student have just finished learning about how to write a journal.  The assessment will be sent home early next week for you to review and sign.

That's all for now,

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What resource in our classroom can be used to help you with your 5 x tables?

Thursday 5 April 2018

Parents, I am unable to assess students tomorrow in Math as there are still far too many corrections that have yet to be made.  Also, it seems that students need a little more time and opportunity to solve problems involving money.  So, that being said, I will be sending home a review package for students to work on over the weekend.  Focus on the areas that your child requires review.  I cannot delay this unit any further and your support is CRITICAL.  Some students continue to struggle with grade 1 and 2 money expectations such as identifying the name and value of Canadian coins and bills.  That is a grade 1 expectation.

In grade three, students should be able to ...

  • represent and describe the relationships between coins and bills up to $10 (e.g., “There are eight quarters in a toonie and ten dimes in a loonie.”)

  • estimate, count, and represent (using the $ symbol) the value of a collection of coins and bills with a maximum value of $10
  • count forward by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, and 100’s to 1000 from various starting points, and by 25’s to 1000 starting from multiples of 25, using a variety of tools and strategies 
  • add and subtract money amounts, using a variety of tools (e.g., currency manipulatives, drawings), to make simulated purchases and change for amounts up to $10 (Sample problem:You spent $5.75 on one item and $3.10 on another item. How much did you spend in total?)
         As you can see, the basics MUST BE COVERED before moving on to the grade expectations. I have been doing my best to spend my recesses and extra time working with students who are lacking these foundational skills, however, I cannot continue at this pace.  There is much to still cover before the end of the year and I need your help.  Please work with your child over the weekend on the review. I will review with students on Monday and have the test on Tuesday.  Please review over the weekend and on Monday night.

Tips for reviewing...

  • add up money amounts to $10.00
  • make change by showing the counting up strategy or by standard subtraction
  • count fluently by 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, 25s, 50s, 100s

Thank you in advance...

Counsellor Wilson

How much money is 2 quarters, 1 dime and 3 nickels?

Tuesday 3 April 2018

Welcome back! I hope you all enjoyed your extra long weekend with your families and enjoyed this long Easter Weekend!  I also hope that you all had the chance to hear the Easter Story as retold by the use of symbols by your child.

This week, a short week AGAIN, we will be having a Math test on Friday along with our usual WOW test.  I will send home the math duo tangs for review on Wednesday and Thursday.

TONIGHT: Parents, please check your child's math duo tangs for any TAGGED PAGES.  These are unfinished pages that MUST BE COMPLETED by tomorrow so that I can mark them and go over any mistakes.  This work should have been completed, but either due to missed school or inefficient use of class time they are behind.  I have explained on numerous occasions that any missed work must be done for homework.  Please ask on a regular basis if your child has completed all of his/her math work.

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is one way to make $5.00 using Canadian coins/bills?