Tuesday 3 April 2018

Welcome back! I hope you all enjoyed your extra long weekend with your families and enjoyed this long Easter Weekend!  I also hope that you all had the chance to hear the Easter Story as retold by the use of symbols by your child.

This week, a short week AGAIN, we will be having a Math test on Friday along with our usual WOW test.  I will send home the math duo tangs for review on Wednesday and Thursday.

TONIGHT: Parents, please check your child's math duo tangs for any TAGGED PAGES.  These are unfinished pages that MUST BE COMPLETED by tomorrow so that I can mark them and go over any mistakes.  This work should have been completed, but either due to missed school or inefficient use of class time they are behind.  I have explained on numerous occasions that any missed work must be done for homework.  Please ask on a regular basis if your child has completed all of his/her math work.

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is one way to make $5.00 using Canadian coins/bills?