Dear Parents,
Tonight your child will be bringing home their Social Studies end of the unit test for you to sign and go over. I must stress the importance of preparing properly for these unit tests. Students who do practise tests, get quizzed by a parent, read and reread the information always perform better than those who do not. That being said when I asked the camp to raise their hand if they studied or did any of the strategies mentioned above in preparation of this test, only 6 students raised their hands. This is troublesome for me. I cannot spend more instructional time than I already do preparing students for a test. I dedicate two 40-minute periods to a whole-class review in a game format (tic tac toe or train game) for every unit test. That being said, if a student was engaged throughout the unit and participating actively, chances are, they would still achieve a level 2 or 3 even without studying. I encourage you to support me in this challenge of instilling good study habits in your child.
For those looking for suggestions, please click on the link below to get additional strategies on how best to encourage and develop good study habits in your child..
10 Good Study Habits For Students
MATH: We have begun a new strand in Math: Geometry and Spatial Sense - Motion Geometry
Students will identify and describe the locations and movements of shapes and objects. Specifically, they will learn ...
- describe movement from one location to another using a grid map (e.g., to get from the swings to the sandbox, move three squares to the right and two squares down)
- identify flips, slides, and turns, through investigation using concrete materials and physical motion, and name flips, slides, and turns as reflections, translations, and rotations (e.g., a slide to the right is a translation; a turn is a rotation)
- complete and describe designs and pictures of images that have a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal line of symmetry (Sample problem: Draw the missing portion of the given butterfly on grid paper).
SCIENCE: We all enjoyed a very dirty, messy but fun investigation on what is found in a cup of soil yesterday! Thank you everyone for your generous soil samples that you brought in! It was enough to share with those campers who did not bring any. We discovered MANY things found in soil such as living things, sticks, stones, leaves, vermiculite, roots and more! Check our our pics below and enjoy!
Have a terrific weekend!
Counsellor Wilson
SECRET QUESTION: On the number chart below, describe how to move from number 12 to number 37?
Write like this...
____ squares _______,
____ squares _______