Monday 26 February 2018

Poetry Read-off Winner: "It's Alive" - Christy S.

Congratulations Christy!
Check out her poetry performance 'It's Alive'!

Christy proved to us that ...

Poetry is performed
Poetry uses expression
Poetry  communicates feelings
Poetry uses facial expression
Poetry uses body language

Let the Poetry Read-off continue for this week!

Good luck future poets!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION: What was the 'thing' that was crawling up Christy's leg during the poem?

Friday 23 February 2018

Happy Weekend Parents and Campers!

This week we had a short but busy week indeed!  Students are moving along well in their THRoW reading responses.  Thank you for taking the time to read my feedback and ask them about what they need to do to bump up their responses.  We go over a level 1, 2, 3 and 4 at length so every student should know exactly how to bump up.

Congratulation to Aiden C. and Jordyn S. in our Camp for earning the Student of the Month award for February in demonstrating above and beyond kindness and compassion towards others.  This is one of the most important awards to be earned!  Well done, we can all use some extra kindness and compassion in our lives!

Also, during one of our many indoor recesses, students used their creative genius building a variety of interesting creatures!


And finally, the winner of our Weekly Poetry Read Off is Christy S. who amazed us all with her expression, performance and body language while performing the poem 'It's Alive'.  I will try to upload her video this weekend!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is 1 half of 14?

Tuesday 20 February 2018

Image result for images of tuesdayShort Week this Week!

Math:  This week we begin our new unit on Number Sense and Numeration:  Fractions - parts of a whole.  Please sign, look over, and correct the Math tests from our unit on Patterning tonight.

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  Start at 1 add 4.  Will the number 17 be in this pattern? 
Answer YES or NO.

Tuesday 13 February 2018

Well, at least we are CELEBRATING Valentine's Day today even though it's officially tomorrow!  Hopefully, you all received the little red note about this change yesterday.  I wanted to blog this earlier, however, didn't get on it soon enough!

Tomorrow, marks the beginning of a very important season of LENT.  We will be celebrating mass in our school gym at 1:30 pm.  All are welcome to attend.


As a camp family, we are preparing for this very special season in three different ways;
In Prayer:  As a class we will be saying a very special Lenten Prayer everyday.  I will include it below so that you can also participate by praying together as a family.
In Fasting: Students are encouraged to 'give up' something that is important to them, but not necessary.  Ex. video games after a certain time, a particular food that they enjoy often, etc.
In Charity: Students are encouraged to DO ACTS OF KINDNESS during the 40 days of Lent.  Ex.  spending time with a sibling doing something together, helping out Mom or Dad at home, taking on additional chores, etc.

Ask your child about his/her Lenten promises for FASTING and CHARITY (We already made decided the PRAYER one) and discuss ideas tonight.  It should be something that your child can realistically do and manage for 40 days, but at the same time prove a little challenging as well!  Good luck!  I can't wait to see what you all discussed and came up with!

MATH UPDATE:  Please note that we will be having our end of the unit test on Patterning this Friday before the long weekend.  I will send the books home this week for review.

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What food is eaten all over the country today to mark the last day before the season of Lent?

Monday 12 February 2018

Good Morning Parents and Campers!
Well, now that the snow has eased up on us, it's back to full attendance hopefully!

Homework:  This week, students will be writing a procedure in their THRoW books on how to brush your teeth.  We have been learning about the features of a procedure - which is set of instructions that clearly teach others how to complete a task.


  • Title
  • Sequence Words or Numbers or Steps (see below)
  • Command Sentences
  • Precise Word Choice
  • Each Step begins on a new Line
Sequence Words:
First,                          Step 1:                       1.
Then,            or          Step 2:         or           2.
Next,                         Step 3:                        3.
Last,                          Step 4:                        4.

The Mass went off beautifully as planned, thanks to the willing participants who took on additional readings due to high absenteeism with the snow day!  We all had a good chuckle at an innocent mistake in words during a little play Fr. Tony put on for us involving CHICKEN and KITCHEN!  Ask your child about it!   Thank you to all my campers for doing such a beautiful job!  Enjoy the pics below!

That's all for now,

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  Write a math sentence that equals 6.

Wednesday 7 February 2018

Image result for images of celebrating the holy eucharistHello Parents and Campers!

This Friday, we are celebrating a Mass for just our Camp Wilson!  It will be at 1:30 in the afternoon in our classroom.  Students who volunteer to do a reading may have some practising to do tomorrow night.  I will put the reading in their front pocket of their agendas...please make sure it is returned to school Friday.

Parent-Teacher Interviews - Thursday, February 8th, 2018  (Tomorrow night!)
Image result for images of parent-teacher meetingsFor those parents who requested to meet with me to discuss your child's progress in Term One, please mark your schedule for appointment time I put in your child's agenda in the front pocket.  I will also post a schedule of my appointments outside my classroom door with chairs for seating in the hallway.  Please be on time for your scheduled 10 minutes appointment and have your concerns and questions ready.   See you then!

Image result for images of rememberFriday - remember, THRoW is due Friday morning, WOW test and Language quiz on nouns and adjectives.

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  How many blue squares will be in frame 4 if you follow the pattern?

Image result for images of growing patterns

Monday 5 February 2018

Dear Parents and Campers,

      This week, we are back to our regular THRoW homework with a poem titled 'Going Batty'.  Please ensure your child is including specific examples from the text to support their answers.  Also, encourage your child when answering multiple choice questions to flip back to the referenced selection to verify and check for context before selecting an answer.  Keep in mind, I go over at length what makes a level 4 after the THRoWs have been handed in.  We take a close look at a level 1, level 2, level 3 and level 4 and discuss bump up strategies to improve their level earned.  So, please discuss these strategies with your child BEFORE beginning a new THRoW.  The whole point is to make improvements and get better.  Thanks for your support!

Science on Forces: (Muscular / Gravity / Friction / Erosion)  We are now officially completed our unit on Forces  The average of those 4 quizzes will make up your child's overall grade.  Well done, students enjoyed this format as a break from the o'l end of the unit test.  

Social Studies:  Living and Working in Ontario  No eyeball's actually quite interesting! 
By the end of Grade 3, students will ...
  • demonstrate an understanding of some key aspects of the interrelationship between the natural environment, land use, employment opportunities, and the development of municipal regions in Ontario 
  • investigate some of the environmental effects of different types of land and/or resource use in two or more Ontario municipal regions, as well as some of the measures taken to reduce the negative impact of that use
  • describe major landform regions and types of land use in Ontario and some of the ways in which land use in various Ontario municipalities addresses human needs and wants, including the need for jobs 

- Students did a VERY good job on their 3D solids test last week!  I was very impressed with the clarity of their answers!  Now, we move on to T2 Patterning and Algebra where we will visit balancing equations again and creating growing and shrinking geometric patterns.  By the end of this unit, students will be able to ...
  •  identify, extend, and create a repeating pattern involving two attributes (e.g., size, colour, orientation, number), using a variety of tools (e.g., pattern blocks, attribute blocks, drawings) (Sample problem: Create a repeating pattern using three colours and two shapes.)
  • extend repeating, growing, and shrinking number patterns (Sample problem:Write the next three terms in the pattern 4, 8, 12, 16, ….)
  • represent simple geometric patterns using a number sequence, a number line, or a bar graph (e.g., the given growing pattern of toothpick squares can be represented numerically by the sequence 4, 7, 10, …, which represents the number of toothpicks used to make each figure)

Mrs. Mamuzic, who taught students Drama in Term One, will be teaching the students Visual Arts for Term Two.  I will be teaching Music and Dance as well.  In Music, we will continue with the recorder and add to our repertoire of musical notation.  In Dance, we will be investigating a variety of genres of dance and explore a few of these in group dances.

That's good for Monday!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What number comes next in this pattern?
3, 6, 9, 12, ____