Monday 12 February 2018

Good Morning Parents and Campers!
Well, now that the snow has eased up on us, it's back to full attendance hopefully!

Homework:  This week, students will be writing a procedure in their THRoW books on how to brush your teeth.  We have been learning about the features of a procedure - which is set of instructions that clearly teach others how to complete a task.


  • Title
  • Sequence Words or Numbers or Steps (see below)
  • Command Sentences
  • Precise Word Choice
  • Each Step begins on a new Line
Sequence Words:
First,                          Step 1:                       1.
Then,            or          Step 2:         or           2.
Next,                         Step 3:                        3.
Last,                          Step 4:                        4.

The Mass went off beautifully as planned, thanks to the willing participants who took on additional readings due to high absenteeism with the snow day!  We all had a good chuckle at an innocent mistake in words during a little play Fr. Tony put on for us involving CHICKEN and KITCHEN!  Ask your child about it!   Thank you to all my campers for doing such a beautiful job!  Enjoy the pics below!

That's all for now,

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  Write a math sentence that equals 6.