Dear Parents and Campers,
This week, we are back to our regular THRoW homework with a poem titled 'Going Batty'. Please ensure your child is including specific examples from the text to support their answers. Also, encourage your child when answering multiple choice questions to flip back to the referenced selection to verify and check for context before selecting an answer. Keep in mind, I go over at length what makes a level 4 after the THRoWs have been handed in. We take a close look at a level 1, level 2, level 3 and level 4 and discuss bump up strategies to improve their level earned. So, please discuss these strategies with your child BEFORE beginning a new THRoW. The whole point is to make improvements and get better. Thanks for your support!
Science on Forces: (Muscular / Gravity / Friction / Erosion) We are now officially completed our unit on Forces The average of those 4 quizzes will make up your child's overall grade. Well done, students enjoyed this format as a break from the o'l end of the unit test.
Social Studies: Living and Working in Ontario No eyeball's actually quite interesting!
By the end of Grade 3, students will ...
- demonstrate an understanding of some key aspects of the interrelationship between the natural environment, land use, employment opportunities, and the development of municipal regions in Ontario
- investigate some of the environmental effects of different types of land and/or resource use in two or more Ontario municipal regions, as well as some of the measures taken to reduce the negative impact of that use
- describe major landform regions and types of land use in Ontario and some of the ways in which land use in various Ontario municipalities addresses human needs and wants, including the need for jobs

- identify, extend, and create a repeating pattern involving two attributes (e.g., size, colour, orientation, number), using a variety of tools (e.g., pattern blocks, attribute blocks, drawings) (Sample problem: Create a repeating pattern using three colours and two shapes.)
- extend repeating, growing, and shrinking number patterns (Sample problem:Write the next three terms in the pattern 4, 8, 12, 16, ….)
- represent simple geometric patterns using a number sequence, a number line, or a bar graph (e.g., the given growing pattern of toothpick squares can be represented numerically by the sequence 4, 7, 10, …, which represents the number of toothpicks used to make each figure)

Mrs. Mamuzic, who taught students Drama in Term One, will be teaching the students Visual Arts for Term Two. I will be teaching Music and Dance as well. In Music, we will continue with the recorder and add to our repertoire of musical notation. In Dance, we will be investigating a variety of genres of dance and explore a few of these in group dances.
That's good for Monday!
Counsellor Wilson
SECRET QUESTION: What number comes next in this pattern?
3, 6, 9, 12, ____