Here's hoping that your March break was RELAXING and enjoyable! Students looked quite tired this morning, so I am going to assume that fun was had by all!

THRoW: This week's THRoW is going to be a factual paragraph on a person, place or animal. I have given each child two examples of factual paragraphs in their THRoW duo tangs for reference. The features are the same as a regular paragraph. It is to be completed in Google Classroom in your child's mytools2go account. Ample time will be given this week to complete this assignment, however, if your child wishes to work on it at home, he/she is welcome to!
- Topic Sentence
- 3-4 facts/details about the person/place/animal
- Closing sentence
Friday - P.D. Day, no school
Time to catch up on the last couple of weeks in Poetry. These are the winners for week 2 and week 3...
Kaleb Trojand
Poem: 'Saying Good-bye'
Week 4 - Congratulations to
Kaleb Trojand
Poem: 'Standing Tall'

READING: I cannot stress enough, the importance of your child reading from their take home reading pouch EVERY NIGHT. Those students who are reading daily are showing GREAT improvements in all areas of the curriculum. Please ask your child about the books he/she chose to take home.
Counsellor Wilson
SECRET QUESTION: What did Mrs. Wilson do ALL WEEK during the March break?