Thursday 29 March 2018

Today campers enjoyed an AWESOME CHOCOLATE EASTER EGG HUNT!  Despite the efforts of my older student helpers to hide and outwit my students with difficult hiding spots, all of my campers were successful in finding a total of 10 chocolate eggs each!  Well done, everyone!  Fun was had by all!

Please take a moment amid all of the excitement of Easter to ask your child to retell you the Easter Story using our symbols of the ressurection eggs.  If you can get your child to Chursch this blessed weekend, it would be a great way to close the Lenten season! We really enjoyed learning about the Easter Story through these interactive eggs.

Here's wishing you all a very
Happy Easter and enjoyable long weekend!  See you all on Tuesday!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What was the second symbol in the Resurrection eggs?

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Reminder to have your child review Land Use and Human Needs page in their Social Studies book tonight.  They have been learning about the different uses of land;

Commercial      Industrial       Recreational      Residential   
             Conservation      Commercial

I will give examples of land use and students are expected to match the kind of land use to the example.  For example;  Point Pelee National Park - Conservation.  This is a brief quiz.  The final unit text will be next week.

HOMEWORK Parents, please be on the look out for any work that might come home (usually Math) with tagged pages (stickies).  This is work that needs to be completed by the next day and is sent home because either your child was away sick or did not finish his/her work during class time.  Everyday I teach a new concept and if your child isn't caught up, he/she will continue to fall behind. I often only have 1 out of the 3 recesses available to reteach what students have missed, however, this does not include additional time necessary to complete the independent work.  You're support is criticial.  Thank you for your attention to this growing concern.

POETRY:  Due tomorrow.  Please make sure your child has completed the Nature Walk page in Poetry duo tang.  We will be writing our own Nature poems on Wednesday and need this step completed before then.

That's all for now,

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the adverb in this sentence?

The students wrote the math test confidently.

Thursday 22 March 2018

Dear Parents,
          Tonight your child is coming home with their math test on multiplication and division.  Please read over, sign and return on Monday (no school tomorrow).  Overall, students scored very high on this part of Number Sense and Numeration!  Well done by all!  We have now started a unit on money - reading, writing, adding and subtracting money amounts to $10.00.  


Also, Spring pictures have come in and were sent home today.  I still have a couple of pictures that were left behind (Numbers 4, 7, 15 and 20's).  I will be sure to get them home to you on Monday.  Isn't that a cute little girl in the picture next to this?  Can you guess WHO it is? 

Next week....


We have been learning about the Easter Story in a fun and interactive way this week.  Each day, we link up with a partner and search for 4 hidden plastic eggs  in our classroom that each contain a significant symbol of the Easter Story in them. Once found, we listen to part of the Easter Story in the bible and then try to guess which symbol is hidden in the egg.  Very engaging and interactive for the students!  Ask them about the Easter Story tonight!  We will also enjoy a fun and light-hearted chocolate egg hunt next Thursday, the last day before Easter Weekend to wrap up the week!  Each child will be allowed to search, find and enjoy 10 chocolate eggs each (FYI,  in case they don't make it home).

Have a terrific long weekend!  See you on Monday!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What grade was Mrs. Wilson in when this school picture was taken?

Tuesday 20 March 2018

Poetry Read Off Winner Week 3:

Grayson Jamieson

Poems:  'Regret' and 'Saying Good-bye'

Tremendous job communicating feeling to the audience using voice, expression, white space and body language!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What colourful and wacky article of clothing are we all going to wear proudly tomorrow in support of World Down Syndrome Day?

Monday 19 March 2018

Here's hoping that your March break was RELAXING and enjoyable!  Students looked quite tired this morning, so I am going to assume that fun was had by all!

This week:  Math Test on multiplication and division on Wednesday.  Please go through your child's blue math duo tang tonight and tomorrow night to review.  Correct any and all errors.  ALL pages should be completed, so if you see any unfinished ones, have your child complete them.

THRoW:  This week's THRoW is going to be a factual paragraph on  a person, place or animal.  I have given each child two examples of factual paragraphs in their THRoW duo tangs for reference. The features are the same as a regular paragraph.  It is to be completed in Google Classroom in your child's mytools2go account.  Ample time will be given this week to complete this assignment, however, if your child wishes to work on it at home, he/she is welcome to!
  • Topic Sentence
  • 3-4 facts/details about the person/place/animal
  • Closing sentence

Friday - P.D. Day, no school

Time to catch up on the last couple of weeks in Poetry.  These are the winners for week 2 and week 3...

Week 2 - Congratulations to
Kaleb Trojand  
Poem: 'Saying Good-bye'

Week 4 - Congratulations to
Kaleb Trojand 
Poem:  'Standing Tall'

READING:  I cannot stress enough, the importance of your child reading from their take home reading pouch EVERY NIGHT.  Those students who are reading daily are showing GREAT improvements in all areas of the curriculum.  Please ask your child about the books he/she chose to take home.
Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What did Mrs. Wilson do ALL WEEK during the March break?

Monday 5 March 2018

Last week before  MARCH BREAK!
Parents, please try to get your child here on time at 8:45 am so they are able to better prepare for the start of the school day.  Thank you!

THANK YOU Dylan and Family for treating the WHOLE CLASS to a birthday pizza lunch today!  Happy Birthday and thank you for pizza and juice!!

Congratulations Kaleb Trojand on winning last week's Poetry Read-off 'Standing Tall'.  I will be posting Kaleb's poetry performance later today!

Math Test Comments:
Students MUST be working diligently on their assigned math homework pages.  There is a direct correlation between students who achieve poorly on the unit test and those who DID NOT complete unit work as assigned.  Parents, when I send home pages with stickies marked on them, it is meant for your child to go over, correct and return to me next day.  Sometimes, it is necessary for students to sit down with an adult to make sure that these corrections are getting made.  Grade 3 Math is packed to the brim with very little time to spare, so the pace is faster.  Please take some time tonight to go over your child's test with him/her.  I will be taking up the answer to the test today, so everyone should be able to make the necessary corrections.  Sign and return tomorrow.

This week...
We will have THRoW and WOW test this week only.  If you plan to pull your child out of school anytime early this week, please inform ME with a note in the agenda and call the office.   Please make arrangements to submit THRoW before leaving early on break as well as take the WOW test early.

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is an equivalent fraction to 2 fourths?